Pathfinder I
So...a day or so ago I saw the post "What is a Challenge Coin?" in the OB FAQ section. The post explained how they could be earned or bought. After I read the post...I happened to glance over at a care package I was putting together for a new friend of mine and an OB member, @Gnasher_PNW . He's currently on deployment. Then I started thinking...there are probably other Overland Bound members who are on deployment...far from home, defending our country.
So I replied...and in so many words said, "Hey, let's give our currently deployed members a free coin as a thank you." It was soon pointed out to me that although my sentiment and heart was in the right place... the coins do, in fact...cost money + shipping. That's fine, I understand where that's coming from, cool.
So here's the deal...I am challenging all members that are enjoying their freedoms and time with their families to step up and donate what you can to help, whether it's $1.00 or $50.00 or whatever to send a Challenge Coin to our currently deployed members...to show our support, to show them we care, to give them a little piece of home. I'm putting my money where my mouth is...I will donate $50.00 + dollars to buy 3 coins for currently deployed OB members. Will any one else step forward? I totally understand financial constraints....people have bills, family, etc. That's why I'm asking for whatever you can donate, even if it's only a dollar. It all adds up. Thank You!
So, @Michael ... any way we can set up a fund to support this Idea?
Added from @Michael : Done! Thanks to @Gnasher_PNW for the awesome photo, wordsmithing, and creative input.
If you are a deployed, active OB member, go here to enter your contact details: Deployed List If you have any issues, DM @Michael

So I replied...and in so many words said, "Hey, let's give our currently deployed members a free coin as a thank you." It was soon pointed out to me that although my sentiment and heart was in the right place... the coins do, in fact...cost money + shipping. That's fine, I understand where that's coming from, cool.
So here's the deal...I am challenging all members that are enjoying their freedoms and time with their families to step up and donate what you can to help, whether it's $1.00 or $50.00 or whatever to send a Challenge Coin to our currently deployed members...to show our support, to show them we care, to give them a little piece of home. I'm putting my money where my mouth is...I will donate $50.00 + dollars to buy 3 coins for currently deployed OB members. Will any one else step forward? I totally understand financial constraints....people have bills, family, etc. That's why I'm asking for whatever you can donate, even if it's only a dollar. It all adds up. Thank You!
So, @Michael ... any way we can set up a fund to support this Idea?
Added from @Michael : Done! Thanks to @Gnasher_PNW for the awesome photo, wordsmithing, and creative input.
If you are a deployed, active OB member, go here to enter your contact details: Deployed List If you have any issues, DM @Michael

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