I actually ended up getting a nice 270 free standing awning no poles. I passed on the Nomadic, not willing to wait for China shipment and hit or miss qualityHello
I bought mine through Campsaver. Ordered 6/28/20, email 'shipping soon' on 7/11/20, shipped 7/28/20, received 8/5/20. There was a rip in the bag that appeared to be from the factory (box showed no signs of distress at that location). Still waiting on a replacement bag (orig due in late Sept) but OVS said they received no bags in the recent container. Customer service was courteous and polite but net affect seems to be a lot of waiting both pre and post sales. Probably a sign that demand is high high high. There was a coupon at the time I bought it from Campsaver that saved 20% if I recall correctly. It's a nicely made unit, just hope yours shows up without blems!