Night photography quick-guide

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Rancho Cordova, CA, USA
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Hey guys, I do astrophotography and have a few tips. It’s easier than you think and can even be done with a phone in good conditions.

1. You need a tripod or something to lean your camera on.
2. Car photo angles are most aesthetically pleasing from around top of wheel height and then from a corner approach.
3. Your shutter will need to be 15-30 seconds.
4. Focus to infinity and if you have an aperture, leave it wide open.
5. In the northern hemisphere, the fancy part of the Milky Way (galactic center) is out from May (late late at night, East/South exposure) to September (earlier in the evening, south/west exposure)
5. You’re best off on a zero-moon night (new moon or close to new moon) if you want more star detail, fuller moon if you want more land/rig detail.
6. If you’re selecting a lens, anywhere from 14 to 50mm can be good. The more zoomed in, the less time you can open the shutter before star trails form. With a 50mm you really only have about ten seconds.
7. If you’re going to be in the photo, you’d better to be ready to not even move from breathing too much for 15-30 seconds.
8. If this was too long, use this single sentence: Focus to infinity, aperture at max, 20-30 second shutter, about 3200iso give or take!



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Lampertheim, Germany
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Thanks for sharing. Written in a short and understandable way, this is definitely very helpful for one or the other here. Through such contributions, we can learn from each other's experiences and skills. That's what makes this great community, among other things. Great photos! Do you photograph professionally or where do your skills come from?