New to forum from northern Colorado

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Rank V
Launch Member

Enthusiast III

Danville, CA
Member #


Welcome. What tent and awning is that? I have my Tepui RTT being installed on Tuesday and am considering a fox wing awning.

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Rank V
Launch Member

Advocate III

Bend, OR, USA
Member #


hello all
found a link to the site after watching some great You tube videos

we have a 2010 FJ Cruiser and the wife drives a 2013 Jeep Wrangler and we pull the trailer in the pic which just became completed.

looking forward to meeting up with you guys!

View attachment 60798 View attachment 60798
Hello and welcome to the OB crew....always happy to add another Toy to the group and Jeep. Great set up. Looking forward to seeing your build and your adventures.