Hello everyone! New member, and just want to say hello! Greetings from San Jose, Ca!
From San Jose! City of my birth and upbringing! Where’s the photos of your rig? Your backstory?!
Well anyway I am the Bay Area member rep and I can help connect you to meet ups that are happening near you. In Pleasanton CA there is a meet up on the second Sunday’s of the month and it has a great regular turn out and active. The Tri-Valley (Pleasanton) group has number of plans already laid out for June through December. Our next meet up will be September 13th, in person!
This is the regular meet up info
Tri-Valley Meet Up
US West - Tri-Valley Monthly Meet Up- Pleasanton CA
Just come! :)View Rally Point Tri-Valley Monthly Meet Up- Pleasanton CA STARTS MONTHLY ON DECEMBER 8TH EVERY SECOND SUNDAY MEET UP 1-3pm We are looking to gather together those living in the East Bay (and greater Bay Area) in downtown Pleasanton CA. Everyone is welcome as we look to gather...
If you have questions feel free to reach out