Off-Road Ranger I
And here a ~6min compilation of the process of building it up after painting:
Off-Road Ranger I
Off-Road Ranger I
Because I always get carried away with projectsReal nice ! But why isn't it installed yet???? ;)
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Off-Road Ranger I
Off-Road Ranger I
Off-Road Ranger I
Off-Road Ranger I
Off-Road Ranger I
Couldn't agree more!Vary Cool Project. A Diesel in a Disco is the way god intended life to be.
Off-Road Ranger I
Off-Road Ranger I
My Disco had been plenty more reliable than all the standard jokes associated with Rovers. Several years of nothing more than a few minor engine leaks & a melted crank sensor. All of that of course before the block decided ~100,000 miles was a good run.When I had my disco 2 this is exactly what I wanted to do except I wanted to use the new crate motor from cummins. The new 2.8L turbo diesel electronic engine. Though I had too many bad experiences with my disco and got rid of it. When it ran I loved it and was a great offfroader. When it ran. I never had any engine issues and as far as I know it still hasn't, I sold it locally and still see it driving around a lot. It was a 2000 model. You have a very cool build going here and I cant wait to see it with the new power plant.
Off-Road Ranger I
Off-Road Ranger I
Off-Road Ranger I