Enthusiast I
Man budgeting normally involves selling everything that isnt nailed down to make the project work, so i think youre doing well!!My original plan way back was to just toss the grubby 4BT in & mate it to my automatic... but when I decided to go whole hog on the build is when I started to track costs. I originally planned for $5,000 to just get the dirty stock 4BT in there, so after some number crunching I updated the budget plan for $10,000 to refresh the engine, add a manual trans, upgrade turbo, re-do all electrics, & upgrade every supporting system that made sense with the upgrades. So far I've found I was pretty close in my estimates, because I made a few deals here 'n there, but also made a few costly mistakes/had unforeseen issues, so a lot of the budgeting balanced out in the end. I have a few more relatively inexpensive mods to add, head studs + injectors, but for the most part everything is bought & paid for at this point aside from maybe a bit more on the consumables side of things. As of typing this I'll be within a few hundred of my budget estimate if I buy anymore "hard parts". Also I don't know if it's sensible or not to include the money recouped from selling no-longer-needed Rover parts, but I have a fair bit of parting out to do now & I'm confident it's worth well north of $1,000 once I put the time into splitting everything apart.
TL;DR = My budget is $10,000 for the whole powertrain & full chassis rewire builds. All in parts + materials + consumables, since all labor was myself & friend's. All parts are purchased, & I've now nearly reached my budget cap. I have $1,000+ in unneeded Rover parts to sell though.