Influencer II
Though I'd share the contents of the first aid kits I have in my car and at home and ask if there is something I should add to it.
It contains the following items.
Small wounds:
2 Dry swabs
Assorted bandaids and one icebag.
Medium wounds:
2 Dry swabs
1 Sterile wound dressing (10x16cm)
4 Skin cleansing swabs
Large wounds:
1 Sterile wound dressing (17x17cm)
1 Rolled elastic bandage
Other items:
1 pair of tweezers
1 Scissor
1 Tick remover
6 Safetypins
1 Adhesive tape
1 Respiratory sheet
1 First aid blanket
1 Pair of disposable gloves
All made by a company called RFX Care
Though I'd share the contents of the first aid kits I have in my car and at home and ask if there is something I should add to it.
It contains the following items.
Small wounds:
2 Dry swabs
Assorted bandaids and one icebag.
Medium wounds:
2 Dry swabs
1 Sterile wound dressing (10x16cm)
4 Skin cleansing swabs
Large wounds:
1 Sterile wound dressing (17x17cm)
1 Rolled elastic bandage
Other items:
1 pair of tweezers
1 Scissor
1 Tick remover
6 Safetypins
1 Adhesive tape
1 Respiratory sheet
1 First aid blanket
1 Pair of disposable gloves
All made by a company called RFX Care