Explorer I
I know we all carry a leatherman or some variation of the popular multitool but what other multi tools do you carry in your rig. I myself almost refuse buy single purpose tools anymore ( I still have a regular tool kit that everyone should carry sockets, ratchets, hammer wrenches, etc) but my screwdrivers are multi tools they are the type with multiple tips including nut drivers, screwdrivers, would it be taps or dyes (the teeth are on the outside of tool so it would be to thread the inside of a nut sorry I just don’t know which it is, call me lame). Anyway these are the type of things I look for to carry in my rig, to save on both weight and space. On my seat backs instead of molle I found backpacks that not only have a insulated pockets that will keep 6 water bottles cold without ice for roughly twelve hours but have useable fold down shelves and three decent size compartments to store other items in. I like the old fashioned hand turn can openers with the corkscrew and church key and bottle openers. why? one tool multiple uses. Drinking water isn’t just drinking water it’s ice when I pack the cooler. What other tools do you carry that are multi tools some of us might not know about such as using your spare tire as a traction device in a pinch (tough to explain but when you sit it it’s a why didn’t I think of that moment) kinda like using a flammable aerosol to seat a bead first time I saw it being done I thought someone has lost their mind then it was well SOB it worked anything like that really interest me multiple uses saving space and weight. Let’s hear what ya got