Enthusiast III
Thanks for the info. One more question: among this group, what’s the consensus on COVID and social distancing, masks, etc.? I hate to have to ask, but this is the world we live in now, and I’m immune suppressed. Thanks again!
Enthusiast III
Trail Mechanic II
During the trail runs, social distancing is pretty easy. We stop for lunch, but that can accommodate enough space normally. In the evenings, we tend to sit around a fire and hoist a few. That might be more challenging but is certainly an optional thing.Thanks for the info. One more question: among this group, what’s the consensus on COVID and social distancing, masks, etc.? I hate to have to ask, but this is the world we live in now, and I’m immune suppressed. Thanks again!
Enthusiast III
Member III
Member III
Influencer II
Trail Mechanic II
Sorry to hear it, see you next time. Good luck at the DMV!Ah crap, my wife just reminded me we have DMV appointments Monday morning to get our CO licenses! I’m out on this one folks. Enjoy, and I look forward to seeing some photos.
Member III