Advocate III
After watching the requests here from time to time, seems it takes longer for some than others. All depends on when Michael or Steve have time to handle the large number of people asking for the upgrade. This is very fast growing membership, and I can only imagine how difficult it may be to keep up with it all.Curious, how long does it usually take to get your account upgrade?
Mine was done without my ever asking. Just happened, I think, same day I paid for membership, or so soon after I hadn't even had time to figure out the many nooks and crannies of this site.
I was impressed with how fast the membership bling showed up too, so very nicely packaged. Already sold mine on eBay for twice what I paid for it. Ha! No, not really, still on my desk, waiting for me to figure out if I want to put the badges on my rig or on my trailer.
Your upgrade will happen before you know it.