Los Angeles Vintage Mercedes Truck Hello!

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Rank IV
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Advocate III

Santa Monica, CA
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Hi everyone!

Been lurking and reading for a while, but decided to sign up and order my emblem!

In Los Angeles (Santa Monica to be specific) and I have a 1991 Mercedes Benz 300GD. It's a short wheel base, so two doors, and diesel! Tons of fun to drive, though a little slow.

I've taken it up and down the coast of California, but that's about it. Looking forward to heading east to Mojave, Moab, Grand Canyon, and eventually up to Prudhoe Bay (the foreseeable future dream trip).

Would love to connect with some members around Los Angeles and head out on some trips! Surfers a plus ;)

Anyways, here's some pics from my recent trip up to Big Sur.

IMG_5689 by Covello W, on Flickr

IMG_5697 by Covello W, on Flickr

IMG_6106 by Covello W, on Flickr

16.11.22-TrestlesOldMans_1192 by Covello W, on Flickr

16.11.23-24_PismoMorro_18 by Covello W, on Flickr

2 by Covello W, on Flickr



Rank VI
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Influencer II

Sandnes, Norway
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Cool G-wagen! [emoji16][emoji16][emoji16]

Sent from my Samsung S7 using OBTalk app

Raul B

Rank VI
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Influencer II

Kyle, Hays County, Texas, United States
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welcome aboard.... were in Simi valley so really not that far from Santa Monica. we do a monthly meetup the 3rd Saturday of every month here in Simi. we also have a camping trip planned june 9-11th and we will have another trip in June to Monache meadows once we know when the roads will be open.