Influencer II
Influencer II
Traveler III
Got word I have to work this Saturday. Won’t be able to make the meet up. Really bummed.Here is the link to the meeting Rally Point, just RSVP. Hopefully we will see you there.New to Overlanding and new to this family. I’d enjoy meeting fellow members and learning a thing or tons!
Got room for a eager newbie!?
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Enthusiast I
Pathfinder III
truth be toldI heard from the PDX Overlander group that this may have moved across the highway to Dick's Sporting Goods parking lot. Any truth to that?
see you there!Looks like it is across the freeway now, east side, in the Dick's parking lot. I'll be there.
Enthusiast III
Pathfinder III
I would normally say have fun but thats all you can do over there.Dang, I'll be on the beach in Kauai. :-)
Pathfinder III
Enthusiast III
Pathfinder III