Off-Road Ranger I
Spam is a basic food group for us. Breakfast lunch and dinner!I think it was Marie Antoinette that said "Let them eat cake" and they chopped off her head. 225 years later, and I get the same reaction to Spam. Wife won't touch it, kids run from it, and even the roaches scurry around it. I don't get it. When I pop open a can of Spam and that big gelatinous lump falls onto the paper plate still holding the shape of the can, my mouth can't help but water. Its a delicate balance of salt, fat and nitrites that make my taste buds tingle. (My left arm also starts tingling after eating a can for some reason). I think its the perfect food... no refrigeration, indefinite shelf life, and you don't even need a can opener. Even after opening a can, the contents can stay out a long time and are still as good as the day it was congealed at the factory.
All I know is that if eating Spam is wrong, I don't ever want to be right! So, for all the Spam eaters out there...raise your plastic spork in a toast to the world's most perfect food! Did I say toast? Yeah, Spam goes great on that, too!
Member II
I heard that Spam as found in Egyptian tombs and was still edible! LOLSpam is a basic food group for us. Breakfast lunch and dinner!
Off-Road Ranger I
I’d still eat it!I heard that Spam as found in Egyptian tombs and was still edible! LOLSpam is a basic food group for us. Breakfast lunch and dinner!
Pathfinder II
This is one of the reasons I do not take my wife camping with me often, her food tastes even while camping are hard to meet and it turns into a big production. Canned chili or ramen for example just won't fly. She wants steak and vegetables. Defeats my style of camping which is keep it simple from packing (I pack light) to cooking (quick and easy) to sleeping (back of the truck, etc.thats always when the good stuff happens!
mine has been on a health kick again and SPAM is once again on the no-fly list.
she leaves for savannah in a few days and you know what's about to get fried up!
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Contributor II
Pathfinder II
Thats a lotta SPAM! I have never strayed from the original, what do you think of the other flavors? Any suck? Any standout?maybe i'm about to make "SPAM History"...
i have a freeze drying food thread i started last week after getting my freeze dryer. after experimenting and getting a feel for the machine...i'm now doing a batch of meats and in the batch is SPAM. i've looked and couldn't find an MRE anywhere that has SPAM in it. i've spoken on here fondly of my SPAM experiences in Hawaii where SPAM is revered. one popular dish was the breakfast that is SPAM, rice and scrambled egg. the sub i was on was in the shipyard at pearl harbor and the roach coach would come by in the mornings and sell that. i would be first in line standing at attention with plastic spork in hand...
even the mcdonalds on o'ahu sold SPAM dishes.
so, with all that popularity, one would think that there was an MRE out there that had SPAM in it. (other than eating straight out of the can...which is perfectly acceptable...)but, SPAM MREs.
looks like its up to me to fill that void...
i already have freeze dried eggs i did earlier as well as freeze dried rice (not instant rice) and now it's the SPAM's turn...if it turns out like i hope it will, all i have to do is combine it with the eggs and rice and stick it in my mylar MRE pouch and i should have the world's first SPAM, egg and rice MRE. just add hot water and enjoy...
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the teriyaki is really good. we were at big bend a few years ago and i made a dish with seared teriyaki SPAM strips added to rice and crushed pineapple. really good like that...even the wife liked it and she is not a big fan of SPAM. the jalapeno is really good. i use that specifically in a camp dish where i dice up the jalapeno SPAM and sear it in a pot and then add blackeyed peas and rotel and season with garlic, salt, pepper, chili and a dash of sugar. let that simmer and then serve with rice. pretty good!Thats a lotta SPAM! I have never strayed from the original, what do you think of the other flavors? Any suck? Any standout?
very cool!Didn't read whole thread. But here is my detailed post on how to make SPAM at home, fast and excellent flavor. With correct meat/sausage proceedures, USFDA approved cooking and proper curing. Enjoy.
SPAM, Dave in AZ jalapeno version
Dave in AZ Thanks Dave! I’ll be trying
Member I
I'm eagerly awaiting the results of this research and applaud your efforts.maybe i'm about to make "SPAM History"...
I've tasted just about all of the current flavors offered in the US - can't think of any that were bad.the teriyaki is really good. we were at big bend a few years ago and i made a dish with seared teriyaki SPAM strips added to rice and crushed pineapple. really good like that...even the wife liked it and she is not a big fan of SPAM. the jalapeno is really good. i use that specifically in a camp dish where i dice up the jalapeno SPAM and sear it in a pot and then add blackeyed peas and rotel and season with garlic, salt, pepper, chili and a dash of sugar. let that simmer and then serve with rice. pretty good!
the maple SPAM is good...hard to find, but good for breakfast seared and served with egg and rice. i tried the tocino flavor and hated it...tasted like nasty chorizo. also didnt care for the hot and spicy flavored SPAM. i've eaten the turkey SPAM a few times and like it for the most part. i first bought it years back when we did a camp trip up on the buffalo river in north arkansas for thanksgiving. i thought it would be funny to have turkey SPAM, stove top stuffing and cranberry for our thanksgiving meal. actually tasted really was cold and raining, so that made it even that much more enjoyable the original is the best and i am going to see how it tastes to freeze dry a piece of SPAM and then powder it and use it as a seasoning.
the SPAM turned out great. i took a small piece and powdered it and it will definitely make a good seasoning. i made a beef stroganoff to freeze dry and had a few left over egg noodles. i rolled a noodle in the powdered SPAM and it was good. i could definitely see doing a pasta salad and sprinkling this on it...I'm eagerly awaiting the results of this research and applaud your efforts.
Member I
Is the freeze dried Spam still fatty and flexible or did it turn into kindof a brick that really needs water to be edible? Would love to see a re-hydrated piece next to a slice straight from the can for comparison.the freeze dried SPAM is a bit salty since all the water has been taken out of it, but should taste normal after being reconstituted.
no, not fatty at all. it crumbled real easily. in the pic i have above your post, you can see the tray of freeze dried SPAM and the smaller/darker pieces are the pieces i seared before drying (they shrank a little) the lighter colored pieces are the ones i boiled in a pot of water before drying. the boiled piece looks just like it did when i cut it, so you really cant tell the difference from a fresh cut piece of SPAM and freeze dried piece, except the freeze dried piece is a lot lighter and crunchy.Is the freeze dried Spam still fatty and flexible or did it turn into kindof a brick that really needs water to be edible? Would love to see a re-hydrated piece next to a slice straight from the can for comparison.
Member I