I think this language is unnecessarily inflammatory. OB is best when it provides a place for both the "fruits and nuts" AND the "gun nuts"
I certainly never thought, nor was it intended to offend or inflame anyone. But I guess this is the times we live in, so as to better understand the situation so I don't inflame anyone again, was it the "Fruits and Nuts" portion or the "Black Rifles Matter" that was so inflammatory? I think it might have been the Fruits and Nuts part because that is what you quoted. So was the Gun Nut thing your attempt at inflaming me?
Wait, wait, wait, before you get the wrong idea, my questions are rhetorical sarcasm. I just don't want you to get choked up and think you have hurt my feelings or inflamed me. I am not at all inflamed nor am I offended or even threatened as GoinCommando put it. I stated my opinion, I stand by my statements.
But I do end up having a serious question; GoingCommando, do you really think my post would keep someone from saying they were offended by your plinking on the trail? Let me help you with an answer, if they are willing to tell me that the use of the phrase Fruits and Nuts inflames them, then you have nothing to worry about. They will darn sure tell you your Plinking Inflamed them.
Please tell me your coming from an informed position here. The frustration I feel for the good folks in California is from an over-regulation of firearms. Example; the handle on an AR-15 is offensive so you have to make it look like a bolt action rifle stock, you have to have something called a bullet button (or something like that) to release the magazine. Rules like this should be what inflames, offends, and threatens you not the term Fruits and Nuts.
Wow, this is way too many words trying to explain myself, but if after reading this you are still inflamed by my words then let's break out the participation trophies, I will try to write with neutral (non-inflammatory) vernacular, and we can sing kumbaya.