Influencer I
My father was the same way. He was a product of a Doctor and a Nurse... both were surgeons and surgeons aid in ww2... non violent never harm anyone. My mother was the exact opposite. Her farther was ww2 army infantry. He taught her her to defend her self and dont get walked. What was right and what was wrong. Growing up my father told me at a young age ( got in trouble at school for fighting.. kid was picking on a girl and shoved her.. so i stepped in and shoved him and broke his nose after her windmilled at me teacher didnt see that..she saw me throw the punch). Father told me never to start a fight. If someone starts it you do all that you can to finish it and win it. Fast forward to high school. Some jock kids were shoving this kid with Down syndrome around a circle. Crying couldn’t get way i stepped in to get the kid away from these DBs and got into a hand throwing party. Got my tail handed to me but the kid was able to get away.. the whole lost the battle but won the war speech felt easier said than it felt. My father saying that to me at an early age made a big impact on me. Coming from a guy that was raised to see no evil.My father was not a violent man, I asked him as a child what I should do to when I am attacked by someone with the intent to harm me. He quickly said "son you run till you find a bigger stick than his, then you turn and beat the hell out of them with it" !