Kokopelli Trail - 3 Day Ride - 04/27/2018

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Anchor Mtn

US Rocky Mountain Region Member Rep
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Venice, FL, USA
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Hmmmm..... this looks real interesting. I was thinking of this as a 3 - 5 day run for vacation time. Is April early? I was speaking with a friend who runs an adventure outfit about this run, but our discussion was for later in the summer.
The end of April should be fine for this trip. It is Colorado and weather is unpredictable but unless there is an extremely cold/wet winter all the trails will be free from snow. It might get a little muddy going across Polar Mesa.

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Anchor Mtn

US Rocky Mountain Region Member Rep
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Venice, FL, USA
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This looks like an awesome trip!!! Is there any slots left? If so, how would I sign up?
Also, can a stock FJ Cruiser make it thru this trip? haha... or any modifications advised?
Right now there are 2 spots left!! Sign up on Rally Point: https://www.overlandbound.com/event/kokopelli-trail-3-day-ride/

A stock FJC should be able to make it without much trouble. I would advise in some rock sliders and GOOD offroad tires if you are able to but all the "hard" sections are optional.
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Anchor Mtn

US Rocky Mountain Region Member Rep
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Venice, FL, USA
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If anyone with an Enduro/adventure motorcycle is interested in joining the trip, let me know. I will have plenty of room in my trailer for extra gear to aid as a support vehicle for a pair of bikes.


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Pathfinder I

Aztec, NM
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Somehow my last post disappeared, but yes, put me on the list. My photographer has bailed as he has a wedding shoot the first day, but if anyone from the Four corners area wants to copilot, let me know. My dog and I have a seat for one more.

Anchor Mtn

US Rocky Mountain Region Member Rep
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Influencer II

Venice, FL, USA
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Somehow my last post disappeared, but yes, put me on the list. My photographer has bailed as he has a wedding shoot the first day, but if anyone from the Four corners area wants to copilot, let me know. My dog and I have a seat for one more.
I added you to the wait list.

The 10 spots filled up way quicker than I anticipated.

Anchor Mtn

US Rocky Mountain Region Member Rep
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Influencer II

Venice, FL, USA
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Haha, that's what happens when you advertise 6 months in advance! Ask me how I know...
Your Mojave trip was the reason I capped the attendance.

Im planning an "open" event for later next year.... just have to get the details worked out before I post it.
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Rank 0
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Traveler I

Florence AZ
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Unfortunately I will have to cancel and give up my spot on this trip. Good new for the others on the waiting list.


Rank 0
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Traveler I

Florence AZ
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Unfortunately I'm going to cancel my spot on this trip. Good news for the others on the wait list