We’re expanding our camping seasons to include summer trips where previously we avoided it due to heat, humidity but most especially mosquitos. Some of you likely have it worse, but even here in Virginia they can really get bad. I’m curious if any of you have found any products or solutions that actually keep them away aside from applying some kind of body spray (which I just hate doing) or staying in a netted shelter.
My backyard is heavily wooded and I burn a citronella candle while hanging out on my back porch. I don’t know why I do it because it doesn’t seem to work
. I guess I do it because I somehow hope it helps a little, but when they really start eating me up I eventually turn on my Thermacell device. Now these Thermacell things 100% actually work, but they can be pretty pricey to operate as each consumable pad lasts about 3 hours. So it certainly remains an option for me but running it most the day on a multi-day camping trip is an expense I’d like to avoid.
The best solution for us has been to keep a campfire going as the smoke can be great at keeping the mosquitos away. But in summer a hot campfire isn’t otherwise really needed and a bit of a bother. With another trip coming up this weekend I thought I’d ask around. Plan B might be to buy a can or two of ‘backyard fogger’ style spray to fog the brushy undergrowth around the perimeter of the campsite. I hate to spray the chemicals out in nature but I guess it is only harming the mosquitos
My backyard is heavily wooded and I burn a citronella candle while hanging out on my back porch. I don’t know why I do it because it doesn’t seem to work
The best solution for us has been to keep a campfire going as the smoke can be great at keeping the mosquitos away. But in summer a hot campfire isn’t otherwise really needed and a bit of a bother. With another trip coming up this weekend I thought I’d ask around. Plan B might be to buy a can or two of ‘backyard fogger’ style spray to fog the brushy undergrowth around the perimeter of the campsite. I hate to spray the chemicals out in nature but I guess it is only harming the mosquitos