Kansas City to Moab

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Zac Evans

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Lansing KS
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Hey everyone, Me and a Friend of mine are planning a road trip to Moab this fall and are looking for some advice! The route I've set up for us is Kansas City KS, our starting point, to Colorado Springs The first day. The Second day, we would briefly check out Garden of the Gods before making our way to Montrose CO, right outside of Black Canyon of the Gunnison, and stop there for the night. The third day, We would make our way into Moab, where we would camp and spend the fourth, fifth, and sixth day checking out some of the lighter trails and Arches National Park. The seventh day we would pack up and head Southeast and get to Durango Co by nightfall, Hopefully briefly checking out either Canyons of the ancients or Mesa Verde along the way. On the eighth day, From Durango we would head to Pueblo CO, stopping by Bishops Castle if possible. After staying the night at Pueblo, on the Ninth day we would head back across Kansas and make it home by the end of the day.

This will be our first trip of the magnitude and Id like to know if this sounds doable, or if there's something i'm missing. We are planning on allocating ten days to this trip in case we fall a day behind while traveling. Does anyone have any must see areas around moab that arent too hard to get to, or know of any killer camping spots? Or even any better routes that we should take? I'm open to any advice!
Here is a link to our route on google maps:
See directions from Leavenworth to Lansing via Colorado Springs, Montrose, and 3 other stops ( Leavenworth to Lansing ) in Google Maps.

Neal A. Tew

US Rocky Mountain Local Expert
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Pueblo West, CO
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If you have enough time, you might consider the 160 mile Rimrocker Trail from Montrose to Moab.

Also, if it's not too late in the season, you might consider some of the famous trails around Ouray. (You're going to be next door in Montrose for crying-out-loud!) Many still haven't opened this year though due to the heavy snow season we had, however.

Another thing is that if you're going to Bishop's, you might enjoy first going into the Great Sand Dunes NP and taking Medano Pass over the mountain on your way. (Medano hasn't opened yet this season either.)

Oh, and in my opinion, Garden of the Gods is sort of Moab like. You might find it redundant.

I'm in Pueblo West so let me know if I can be of any further service or are looking for any company along the way.

Zac Evans

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Lansing KS
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Thanks for the info! Rim Rocker trail looks right up our alley, We will definitely have to squeeze that in. And I didn't even think to include something in Ouray! That would be awesome to check out. The sand dunes would be worth a look too, I haven't heard of Medino pass, Ill have to do some research. Thanks for chiming in. Im a bit new to planning long trips. Its nice to have an expert on the topic for sure.

Neal A. Tew

US Rocky Mountain Local Expert
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Pueblo West, CO
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Thanks for the info! Rim Rocker trail looks right up our alley, We will definitely have to squeeze that in. And I didn't even think to include something in Ouray! That would be awesome to check out. The sand dunes would be worth a look too, I haven't heard of Medino pass, Ill have to do some research. Thanks for chiming in. Im a bit new to planning long trips. Its nice to have an expert on the topic for sure.
Medano Pass starts right alongside the dunes and has several camping spots.
Medano Pass Primitive Road - Great Sand Dunes National Park & Preserve (U.S. National Park Service)