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Steve B

Rank 0

Contributor I

Sarasota, FL
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Hello everyone. Just joined last night. I have been following Overland Bound for a while now and decided to join up. I live on the west coast of Florida, Sarasota, and have been off roading and camping for many years going to places in Georgia, Tennessee and Kentucky. My daily driver/rig is a 2006 Alpha Hummer H1 wagon.

Kent R

OB Executive Director
Staff member
Mod Team

Pathfinder III

El Dorado, Ca
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Ham/GMRS Callsign
Service Branch
Retired Firefighter
Hello everyone. Just joined last night. I have been following Overland Bound for a while now and decided to join up. I live on the west coast of Florida, Sarasota, and have been off roading and camping for many years going to places in Georgia, Tennessee and Kentucky. My daily driver/rig is a 2006 Alpha Hummer H1 wagon.
Welcome To Overland Bound
Check the forum calendar and Meet-Up page for events, and the Trip Planning page for trips being planned by members.
Overland Bound Meetups
Overland Trip Planning
You are in the Southeast Region, local information can also be found in the “Overland Bound by Region”
Your Regional Director is @AdventureWithDanan . The closest Member Representative to you for local information is @Cendee & @radwelder
FYI, All Overland Expo shows have been cancelled this year. Due to Covid 19 concerns.
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