Jerky Recipes

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Sandy Eggo
Where are all the jerky recipes?

If there is any food that belongs in the recipe section of an overlanding forum, jerky has got to be in the top 5. Yet a search only finds me this: South African version of jerky sausage

This just won't do.

Here is my favorite, courtesy of "Fred", an old curmudgeon from down Florida way.

Intended for 1.5 lbs of meat, I quadruple it.

t= teaspoon
T= tablespoon

1/2 t Salt
1/3 t Garlic Powder
1/2 t Black Pepper
1 1/2 t Cayenne Pepper
1 t Accent (This is MSG--I leave it out)
1 t Onion Powder
1/4 C Soy Sauce
1/4 C Worcestershire Sauce
1 T liquid Smoke
Mix the ingredients, then mix with the sliced meat and put in a zip lock bag, squeezing all the air out and refrigerate over night. Dehydrate as long as needed.

Note this is relatively spicy. You can dial back the Cayenne if you have sensitive taste buds.

I just did 6lbs of meat. Yielded a bit over 2lbs of jerky.

I vacuum seal it in portions that suit the needs of myself and The Varmints.

I would post a pic, but the forum doesn't seem to be playing well with pics tonight.

What are some other favorite jerky recipes?

John Levers

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So I have a simple recipe for my jerky I make it in 2 to 3 lbs batches and store in zip lock bags as I don't have a vacuum system yet.

take 2 to 3 lbs of beef ( I prefer London broil or flank steak) cut to your preferred size. Dry rub the meat I normal use a store bought one such as Stubs beef rub on my beef and a north country venison rub on my venison. then sprinkle with lite salt and pepper. then place in freezer size zip lock bag and add Worcestershire sauce. let that marinate for 24 hrs. Dehydrate to your liking
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Get Out GO

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The link you mention there is actually for Droëwors (dried sausage). The South African version of Jerky is called "Biltong", here's a good recipe :wink:

Where are all the jerky recipes?

If there is any food that belongs in the recipe section of an overlanding forum, jerky has got to be in the top 5. Yet a search only finds me this: South African version of jerky sausage

This just won't do.

Here is my favorite, courtesy of "Fred", an old curmudgeon from down Florida way.

Intended for 1.5 lbs of meat, I quadruple it.

t= teaspoon
T= tablespoon

1/2 t Salt
1/3 t Garlic Powder
1/2 t Black Pepper
1 1/2 t Cayenne Pepper
1 t Accent (This is MSG--I leave it out)
1 t Onion Powder
1/4 C Soy Sauce
1/4 C Worcestershire Sauce
1 T liquid Smoke
Mix the ingredients, then mix with the sliced meat and put in a zip lock bag, squeezing all the air out and refrigerate over night. Dehydrate as long as needed.

Note this is relatively spicy. You can dial back the Cayenne if you have sensitive taste buds.

I just did 6lbs of meat. Yielded a bit over 2lbs of jerky.

I vacuum seal it in portions that suit the needs of myself and The Varmints.

I would post a pic, but the forum doesn't seem to be playing well with pics tonight.

What are some other favorite jerky recipes?
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