I typically rotate my tires every about 6K miles. Like the post above, my spare was always a left over from the previous set so I never did a 5 tire rotation. For pattern I always X the fronts to the back and bring the rears straight forward, that is the recommended method per literature for my Ford and GMC.
As far as balancing, when I was running M/Ts I never had a tire shop mount or balance my tires. Seriously mounting tires is one of those scary sounding things thats actually super easy. For balancing I always went the dynamic rout. Now Im not sure how this would work with tire pressure sensors, but I would try it. If youre not familiar the principles behind dynamic balancing is simple centrifugal force. A loose object inside of the tire once accelerated will naturally gravitate towards the lightest area thus balancing the tire and wheel. The beauty of this is it works at nearly all speeds, on all terrains, at all loads, and with all tire conditions, something static balancing cant come close to. Its also SUPER cheap. I kid you not for a 30" tire youll need about 1000 air soft BBs, thats like $2 from Wal-Mart. For anything with a meaty tread thats much over 33", dynamic is the only way to go. I have even been able to get 40" Super Swampers to balance out using air soft BBs. It may sound super ghetto, but its based on science, just fueled by myself and my buddies being cheap asses, lol.