"I got my license using the "Ham RadioTest Prep" app. Passed easily! But now that I have my license, I still dont know how to fully accomplish my goals for Ham lol"
First step is to ask yourself what you want to do with radio? For most Hams the radio is a hobby. They experiment with radio and set up operations on multiple bands. Eventually they find what "speaks" to them. I enjoy VHF/UHF operations as well as HF myself. But if you want to use radio simply for use off-road with other off-roaders then you should find out what they use and go with it.
If you are a lone-wolf that likes to travel by yourself, and view the radio as an emergency communications item, then you're probably best served obtaining a dual band (VHF/UHF) radio and establishing a list of repeaters in the areas you frequent. I'd start with a simple hand held radio like a Yaesu FT65 or similar. Stay away from digital modes until you better understand the ham community and the different system out there. Digital modes can get a bit complicated and be frustrating. I see that you are in SoCal? You have a Ham Radio Outlet very near to you. I recommend you check out the various radios there and start simple. the Yaesu FT65 is less than $100.00 and covers both 2 meter and 440 Mhz. Being in SoCal there are many systems and clubs here. You can find repeaters in your area by visiting repeater book.com or the W6JPL website that has a repeater search function. Once you find the repeaters that you can reach in the areas you go you make a list and program the radio with all the repeaters. Also, program in the simplex frequencies for both bands. For instance 146.520 in the National Calling simplex channel for 2 meters and is pretty busy in the SoCal area. 146.460 is the simplex frequency often used by off-roaders, etc.
Welcome to the ham community! Don't worry, it might seem overwhelming at first, but the basics are pretty easy and it comes fast.