Hey all,
The reason we are building OB1 is because we are not satisfied (as the overland community), with the options available. Each of the products mentioned have strengths and weaknesses. I've used them all.
The strength of our product is the feedback from the community - like this thread. We are overlanders first and we know what we need. Gaia comes from a hiking background. OnX from hunting, and Apple and Google - well....
Strength: Your feedback and requests go directly into the product:
Community Requests and Roadmap
If I'm speaking from an "Overland Bound" perspective I'm always going to say use what works for you. The important thing is to get out there and enjoy the outdoors.
I will say, the mapping and navigation space is not saturated IMO. How many true overland navigation apps can you count on your fingers and toes? I mean true overland contenders. Also consider, OB1 is not just a mapping and navigation app. How many have community built in? How many have IRL event planning?
What is OB1 now? It's not there yet. OB1 is relatively new as a product. Our intent is not to "unveil with a splash" because this requires a huge amount of resources we don't have. Think resources in the $5MM range. That's software development - which I know a fair amount about. Instead. We are iterating to greatness, incorporating feedback specific to overlanders, while maintaining a useful and functional app along the way. It's tricky business, but we are doing OK at it. As we grow, we increase functionality, and improve usability. I've got at least 5 very good friends that do not use OB1 currently. They use other solutions for navigation. When they migrate to OB1 naturally - I'll know we've hit a major milestone.
So what is the goal?
To combine community support, event and trip planning, mapping and navigation in one app.
In my mapping app I can also call for help or get information, or plan a trip with as much detail as I want. In addition we'll be adding some great features I'm not ready to speak about just yet, that will go well beyond what's out there. These features are things only a dedicated overland community can think up.
So right now we are in "meat and potatoes" development - implementing a lot of core systems that are just baseline - like downloading offline maps, and we are already doing some things better, like automatically updating USFS roads and trails when Govt records are updated.
We want one app that provides a complete set of overland trip and navigation tools with community support and connection. Quality and ease of use are core.