I have not seen this posted anywhere here or on the Overlandbound IG. This is super important. There is a comment period that the Dept. of Interior (BLM) has to provide and it is very very important that you make your voice heard or they will close down almost 440 miles of trails and with that, they will close off dispersed camping sites. This affects everyone so everyone has to participate. Here is more info about it. Listen to the podcast HERE
And submit your comment to the government HERE: in the "participate now" section to the left. The more you make your comment personal the better such as, "I ride these trails (enter trail here) every year and look forward to continuing to use our public lands in a responsible manner as we have been doing for years" ....Something like that but make it your own.
I hope Michael gets on this to alert everyone if he hasn't already done so.
And submit your comment to the government HERE: in the "participate now" section to the left. The more you make your comment personal the better such as, "I ride these trails (enter trail here) every year and look forward to continuing to use our public lands in a responsible manner as we have been doing for years" ....Something like that but make it your own.
I hope Michael gets on this to alert everyone if he hasn't already done so.