Member III
Thanks! Would love to have you.I read all of your rules and I would go on a trip with you anytime. Some people would think you are a prude but your rules keep everyone safe and the bs to a minimum.
I try to put out as much info and instructions ("rules" if you wish) ahead of time as possible so there are no surprises for anyone on day one or thereafter. I went back and reread what I had written. I don't think there's really anything in there that any person or group putting on an organized run with a bunch of strangers would have issue with. Maybe the one about posting?
For fun I googled "Prude", and found this definition from Mirriam-Webster (which pretty much mirrored other definitions of "prude" I came across):
"A person who is greatly concerned with seemly behavior and morality especially regarding sexual matters"
That was interesting... I'll just let this one alone. But for the record, I have no issues if anyone on one of my runs wants to engage in... oh never mind - this won't end well.
I do like things organized, hence me putting out instructions on radio checks, getting gas, lunch breaks, morning departure times, etc. And I won't apologize for the things like no smoking pot, excessive drinking, unnecessary noise, etc. I've never had anyone complain about them. Maybe my rules and such weed folks out?
My next run? I'm planning a flat-fender run for early next summer to do the Oregon Back Country Discovery Route. The BDR folks plan on putting out the details in 2023.
Link: Oregon Backcountry Discovery Route (ORBDR) - Backcountry Discovery Routes (ridebdr.com)
Depending on how long it is, I might pre-run it with my TJ before leading a group of flat-fenders on the trail.
And if Canada loosens its Covid restrictions in their upper territories, I'd like to do another run up the Dempster Highway to Tuk and toss a kayak in the Arctic Ocean next summer.