I had a bit of a set back today during the test run.
Since starting driving we noticed a abrasive sound which grew stronger and stronger.
Very annoying, but I thought, will check that out when I stop.
Then just as we reached our destination more sounds came.
So, I stopped on a dirt road and tried my gears, and there was an awfull noice when in Full-time 4wd. And no movement what so ever.
After the walk with the dogs we came back and I was driving from the parking lot and the sound was even worse. It was not there in 2wd at first so I thought, well I check this all out when I am home and have my garage jack.
But nope, couldnt drive that way.
So I went under the car and looked and then wiggled on the front drive shaft. And found movement and such that was alarming like hell.
So, on the parking lot I jacked up the car and took the drive shaft out.
It was in pieces.
At home I found the problem/problems by then.
1. The clip that holds the joint on the axle was come loose.
Reason, it was too big from te beginning. I felt it cam on easy when I assembled, but it was ok, so I thought. Not when there are some HP trying to move stuff around.
The bottom clip is the new one, as you can see it is slightly bigger.
Solution was to use the old clip. That did the trick.
2. The rubber cap of the joint was torn of and was damaged.
So, the solution was to use the old rubber cap and refit it in the metal cap again.
So, after that was done, I had the new joint, but with the old metal and rubber caps on it.
Then I went under the car and found out that the first abrasive noise was the transfer case shifter cable was rubbing agains the front drive shaft, it was loose from the clip that holds it in place.
Probarly we forgot that clip.
So, when that was done, I made a test run again and lucky me, all was fine.
So I had my share of side road repair work and improvising at home to fix this problem which was caused in the end by a too bigger clip that was brandnew.
Lucky me I didnt trow away the old parts.
Now we can go working on the other little things on the car. Just for fun.