Off-Road Ranger I
- 2,865
- First Name
- Donald
- Last Name
- Diehl
- Member #
- Ham/GMRS Callsign
- WRPN 506
I have been trying to compile some reliable numbers on this topic and am finding it nearly impossible to get any information. Equipment and vehicle sales just do not give a good reflection of how many of us there actually are because a ton of guys, right around here where I live, have their rigs all fitted out and have never ever gone anywhere. I know this because I've attempted conversation with many and I may as well have been speaking French or Latin to them. They simply didn't have a clue. They've never been off pavement, camped in the wilderness or even have a desire to do so. . Our community is approaching 10,000 members if I'm not mistaken, but surely that is not an accurate measuring stick. What little info I have been able to garner leads me to believe that there may be as many as 100 thousand or as few as 15 or 20 thousand. Anyone have any thoughts on this? I ask because there has been a slight slide in aftermarket revenues over the past 5 years. Maybe the culling has begun. LOL Peace out !!