How has the Covid-19 virus affected your adventures?

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Alain M

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It's obvious you didn't understand my post or what I was talking about. No novelty for sure. I'm very aware of historical events and have posted the record on the forum dating back to 165 AD.

My point is this , This is a planned event meant to cause all the havoc it has with much more to come as well as many planned deaths. There are people who want to reduce the world population and when they cant get a raging War to take out millions, then they plan pandemics. You dont have to believe, just watch and see what happens.
I understood your point(s), no worries, I just believe that seeing things in a rational perspective is the only way right now. I am an Atheist and facts or solid hypothesis are very important to me. Who is "they" and what would they get out of a pandemic? Don't get me wrong, I don't trust our leaders to do the right thing for the general population, just look at the latest debacles from the current administration (IMHO). With a growing population and our current lifestyle, this pandemic was just another disaster waiting to happen and this one is a mild one if I may say. This is not over yet... Hope that we will learn a lesson out of it.


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I had plans for another multi-month backcountry adventure from the Maine coast to the borderlands and beyond, with clients for workshops and mural projects and have cancelled/postponed it all.

STAY HOME, folks, do not be part of the problem.

What's happening with the number of folks who think "camping is the perfect social distancing" is that many, most, of the communities you go through and get fuel, stop for snacks, visit landmarks (no matter how remote) are anxious and worried about you bringing the novel coronavirus to them. They are worried about being exposed when they otherwise might not be.

Even though we may be fully self-sufficient and not interact with anyone, communities are worried, and rightly so. They will perceive us as being part of why their shelves are empty and their neighbors are sick.

Folks have not been practicing social distancing enough, for long enough, so more and more communities and cities and entire states are issuing Stay At Home orders. As they should.

*** The whole idea here, guys, is to SLOW DOWN the spread, so it DOES NOT spike as high and overrun the health care system. The slower the spread, the more time we have to find a vaccine and meds for treatment and can test more.

*** It's the people who think they know better, who go on camping adventures anyway, that will help make the numbers spike.


Listen to what's happened in other parts of the world. To those who did not listen and thought they would not get it. Look at the freaking numbers.


To do otherwise is inconsiderate, rude, and harmful. It is irresponsible.

Stay safe, stay clean, stay positive!

Thanks, I couldn't have said it better.
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Rank II

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Washington, USA
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Ya sure, if anything they are toolbags for not closing down a week or two ago. Or are you one of those folks that do not believe in science?
That sounds like an accusation that you sit at a higher level of intellect than I.

If it makes you feel better....


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WRPN 506
That sounds like an accusation that you sit at a higher level of intellect than I.

If it makes you feel better....
Not at all, our entire lives are based upon belief systems. Everyone’s core values are different,, you or I or anyone else does not sit at a higher or lower platitude than anyone else, only different platitudes. You referred to a body of people that made a desicion that you don’t care for as “ toolbags “.


Rank II

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Washington, USA
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Not at all, our entire lives are based upon belief systems. Everyone’s core values are different,, you or I or anyone else does not sit at a higher or lower platitude than anyone else, only different platitudes. You referred to a body of people that made a desicion that you don’t care for as “ toolbags “.
My reasoning for calling them "toolbags" is a lot more complicated than just seeming like I disagree with their science. Or any science.
Their lack of planning, squandering our tax money, allowing our safety, health, security to be outsourced has me very aggravated.
It was their job to plan for the safety of the people who pay them.
Now my son is out of school indefinitely, the school district did not assign him any homework or curriculum, BUT they are going to continue to pay everyone in the district.
So, I am very butthurt that my taxes are being wasted (for example, my property tax is nearly equal to a mortgage). If they don't educate my son, close camping grounds, reduce any services, they need to cut us a break on taxes.
I'm mad because the government allowed our jobs to be outsourced, allowed our companies to put our factories in a belligerent communist nation, let our medical supplies rely on the whims of commies or the needs of the rest of the world.
Somehow I don't feel we live in a "first world nation" anymore.


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Maybe it's appropriate at this time, all things considered, to put this on the back burner for now, but I'm very curious to see what comes of the 4 senators involved in the stock selling scandal. I can't help but wonder why the story seemed to go away so quickly? I'm not constantly watching the news so maybe I'm just missing the coverage, but it sure seems like what began as a HUGE story just kinda fizzled out within a day or two. Is it because there was no story or because it's much worse and now's not the time to be dealing with it? I'm not looking to fuel flames or to make things worse than they already are, and I'm actually hoping it was a big nothing, but I am very curious to know what really happened and to what extent they were involved.

On another note, if you have Netflix, there is a documentary series called PANDEMIC that was filmed long before this current virus outbreak started. I'll warn you up front: It's not a happy show... That being said, I'm finding it very educational, but also very scary, as an outbreak like this current one was predicted with some pretty compelling evidence quite some time ago. It's got a lot of sub-titles, and skips around a bit, but well worth sitting through. It makes you realize just how vulnerable we are when it comes to these kinds of things, and it makes you think about what kinds of things you can do to protect yourself and your loved ones in the future.

I hope we all learn a lot from this and are better prepared as a nation to deals with these things as they seem to be a part of our future, at least for now.
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Rank II

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Washington, USA
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Maybe it's appropriate at this time, all things considered, to put this on the back burner for now, but I'm very curious to see what comes of the 4 senators involved in the stock selling scandal. I can't help but wonder why the story seemed to go away so quickly? I'm not constantly watching the news so maybe I'm just missing the coverage, but it sure seems like what began as a HUGE story just kinda fizzled out within a day or two. Is it because there was no story or because it's much worse and now's not the time to be dealing with it? I'm not looking to fuel flames or to make things worse than they already are, and I'm actually hoping it was a big nothing, but I am very curious to know what really happened and to what extent they were involved.
I've seen the news about this several times. I believe at least one of them is facing some kind of action.
I don't think anyone is trying to cover it up, I just think the whole epidemic news takes precedence.

That situation is one of the big things that frustrates me about gov't: they are using their position of power to gain wealth. This goes for both sides, and I get tired of Americans arguing over which side is "better" when both sides are enjoying the distractions that keep us from asking: "How do they get so rich, and what consequences does it bring??"
BTW I'm not against capitalism at all. Just against policy and lawmakers being engaged in capitalism whilst making laws/decisions that shape capitalism.


Rank V
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WRPN 506
I’m thinking that the 4 of them will be charged and prosecuted, as they should be. Chris Collins from Buffalo is in prison now for a much smaller inside trade.. hells bells Kenny Rogers passed last week and nary a mention.


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If you believe all media reports on Covid-19 are just fear-mongering, stay away from this piece. If you prefer to be more informed, read it.



Rank V
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WRPN 506
My reasoning for calling them "toolbags" is a lot more complicated than just seeming like I disagree with their science. Or any science.
Their lack of planning, squandering our tax money, allowing our safety, health, security to be outsourced has me very aggravated.
It was their job to plan for the safety of the people who pay them.
Now my son is out of school indefinitely, the school district did not assign him any homework or curriculum, BUT they are going to continue to pay everyone in the district.
So, I am very butthurt that my taxes are being wasted (for example, my property tax is nearly equal to a mortgage). If they don't educate my son, close camping grounds, reduce any services, they need to cut us a break on taxes.
I'm mad because the government allowed our jobs to be outsourced, allowed our companies to put our factories in a belligerent communist nation, let our medical supplies rely on the whims of commies or the needs of the rest of the world.
Somehow I don't feel we live in a "first world nation" anymore.
Ok, good to be able to vent eh? I agree, the tool bag in chief dropped the ball, big time and any other politicians willing to believe that everything was going to be OK. It was not going to be and it took over 2 weeks for not only the administration to do a 180 degree about face, Fox News did the same thing, deny, decry, finger point, lay blame, etc etc.. then suddenly a complete 180 degree turn.. I’d like to know how, when and why the board of directors of Fox decided to change. Same with the Prez, how, when and why did these entities change their outlook? What happened that they finally got on board with world health officials? Caution: I’m not pointing fingers, I think everyone has a right to know why these two entities did everything possible to cover up, then come clean.


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Amazing how this thread has devolved from "How has the Covid-19 virus affected your adventures?"

Just received notification that Overland Expo has officially been rescheduled to the end of July. That'll affect MY adventures. And I am pretty sure we have an OB member already making his way West that was planning to attend the May Expo.


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Mount Olivet, KY, USA
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The virrus can survive 48 hours on plastic so when you reach for the gas nozzle on the pump....
Even tho no one is in sight you could be bringing the virrus home.

When you key in your PIN at the ATM....
When you....
That is why i have a box of Spider rubber gloves (medical grade) in my truck... peel them off, and hit the sanitizer pump before i get back in my truck. Put them in when it started to hit the west coast. Little things that seem overboard, end up being huge in the long run. Take clothes off and straight to washer when home, mopping/disinfecting daily... sure it adds to the home task list, but hopefully it isn't a long term effort... If it is, then it will be super clean and I'll just turn my house into a museum, I guess. **NOTE: I don't go out often, but when I do...


Rank V
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Off-Road Ranger I

Wherever we park it will be home !!
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Ham/GMRS Callsign
WRPN 506
Amazing how this thread has devolved from "How has the Covid-19 virus affected your adventures?"

Just received notification that Overland Expo has officially been rescheduled to the end of July. That'll affect MY adventures. And I am pretty sure we have an OB member already making his way West that was planning to attend the May Expo.
True, they brought our plans to a screeching halt. Hopefully everyone else’s as well. Stay home stay safe. Reconnect with your loved one, loved ones, and your self. Putting a halt to the rat race may cause us to question our inner values and improve our lives, thereby improving the lives of those around us.. there I go again, sounding like an old hippie...


Rank II

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Washington, USA
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Ok, good to be able to vent eh? I agree, the tool bag in chief dropped the ball, big time and any other politicians willing to believe that everything was going to be OK. It was not going to be and it took over 2 weeks for not only the administration to do a 180 degree about face, Fox News did the same thing, deny, decry, finger point, lay blame, etc etc.. then suddenly a complete 180 degree turn.. I’d like to know how, when and why the board of directors of Fox decided to change. Same with the Prez, how, when and why did these entities change their outlook? What happened that they finally got on board with world health officials? Caution: I’m not pointing fingers, I think everyone has a right to know why these two entities did everything possible to cover up, then come clean.
You seem to be slanting against R's.
I live in a blue state, it is literally an open-air freak show here. And despite what Inslee likes to say about "science" we somehow ended up with the worst problem.

I think it's called "TDS" when you try to talk to someone middle of the road like I did and their response is all anti-R's (or anti-D's goes both ways)

Lou Skannon

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Well, I had a great time in Baja California and Arizona.Then the Canadian government issued a No-Travel advisory for the USA and this allowed the insurance companies to cancel my medical and travel insurance. Ten days notice to get back to Canada; not a problem from Yuma but then the diff started leaking oil, a parasitic draw on the batteries flattened them overnight, the fuel gauge stopped working, then the fuel pump started leaking. A hub seal had leaked for most of the trip and had needed topping-up since early December. At the US/Canadian border, I was told to self-isolate at home for 14 days.

But the truck got us home safe and sound in difficult circumstances and I would like to say a big THANK-YOU to all the fuel station workers, food store workers and truck drivers making deliveries who made the journey possible. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE.

Lanlubber In Remembrance

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I understood your point(s), no worries, I just believe that seeing things in a rational perspective is the only way right now. I am an Atheist and facts or solid hypothesis are very important to me. Who is "they" and what would they get out of a pandemic? Don't get me wrong, I don't trust our leaders to do the right thing for the general population, just look at the latest debacles from the current administration (IMHO). With a growing population and our current lifestyle, this pandemic was just another disaster waiting to happen and this one is a mild one if I may say. This is not over yet... Hope that we will learn a lesson out of it.
Who are they. You have your facts I have mine. Has nothing to do with religion, just the facts.