I understand this is already being done in S. Africa and Australia. Large fans are mounted on the hood, the exterior of the hood, in order to blow the dust cloud from the vehicles in front of you away for better vision on dusty trails. As they are 12v they can be dismounted in camp and used to cool and drive away pesky bugs. Solar charged batteries provide power when dismounted. They are said to be very quiet and at proper speeds do a good job of dispersing the dust. They can also be used for drying oneself off after a dip or shower. What do you think, add to your kit ? https://www.grainger.com/product/32PF41?cm_mmc=PPC:+Google+PLA&s_kwcid=AL!2966!3!50916820917!!!!78146037254!&ef_id=WaSS5AAAAF1BdU9m:20170828235332:s&kwid=productads-adid^50916820917-device^c-plaid^78146037254-sku^32PF41-adType^PLA