Have we considered???

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Verdi Nevada
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Hey admin team, curious if we have considered putting together a binder of “recommendations” for starting a local group. I know Kent R has been pivotal in mentoring me and directing our group, but just wondering if we have thought of collectively writting a manual?

Also, what about a recommendened training manual for group leaders? I realize something like this would be incredibly time consuming, but I would not approach you with something that I am not personally willing to contribute to. It seems that the growth is rapid and having a resource like that would be incredibly helpful and create a standard for a solid foundation for those seeking this out. This would all be left to the implementation of the groups to use what works for them and to what extent they want to get into this, but I think having a reference would be very beneficial. With the growing interest, we don’t want anyone to put themselves, their families and especially children in compromising situations when they are just trying to have fun but may have gotten into a situation that exceeded their skill set or equipment capabilities.

I am personally not an overlanding expert, but I think that a leader could find folks in their areas to help with these subject matters. I also think that we may have very gifted people who may want to invest in teaching and leading in specific areas but can’t offer themselves to be leaders due to other commitments. But I think we should help those who are willing to step up and lead.

I am willing to assist with something like this and have many resources to help me put together a format for OB if you guys would be interested. As always, thank you guys for what you do, we all benefit from your passion and drive.

Thanks @Sheepdog831 for starting this conversation. @Kent R has also been key to helping us in Reno start a group and organize what is needed going forward... Reference materials, format of meeting, communications, demos, trainings, day runs, etc. Then add a local spin if needed.

If I can help in any way, please let me know.

Thanks again,


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Rank VI
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Off-Road Ranger I

Springfield, Vermont
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Thank you, much appreciated!

I don't see this as being an overly involved or lengthy set of guidelines, at least right now, that will need an index or formatting, really. Just a small set of suggested guidelines with some tips that others have found helpful in starting their groups; a general guide of how to get a local OLB group going and what that group's natural leaders can do.

If it evolves into more of an OLB local groups handbook as time goes on, however, I'd like to keep you in mind. For that and perhaps for other projects/efforts that may need exactly what you're offering.

This is one of those things that will end up being available to put on one's profile as skill sets, etc, so we can all see who is good at what and what they might be willing to contribute to the membership.

Thanks again for offering to help!

*makes a note - send MrCoffee my daughter's college papers to index. . .

LOL.... I don't index my son's college papers, your daughter is outta luck! :) I replied to the tread lightly/idiots thread, and I am on that project. I was thinking more along the lines if we wanted to do an overall guidelines PDF for OLB, then it might be helpful.