Influencer II
Influencer II
Enthusiast I
Nah. There are still a bunch of good videos that give you good ideas.Guess I need to stop watching so much Youtube. I guess your average ovrlander isn't out there filming Youtube videos.
Member III
Influencer II
You could be right. Its the reason my wife won't get on social media anymore. She's tired of seeing everyone post their extravagant vacations spending 5+K a trip etc. It makes her feel bad she quit working to raise our kids. I tell her not to worry its how we wanted it.It seems like I'm seeing more and more people talking about this.
Are people more defensive these days about what they have and/or don't have? Has social media made it look like everyone ELSE has it so much better than us?
I'm quite comfortable when I get out and go camping... like the saying goes, "Any idiot can be UNcomfortable"
As long as you are happy with what you have who really cares what some person may or may not think?
I've been car camping for quite a number of years and have slowly built up what I have and use... to the point where some may think I've spent too much. Then when they see where I go and for how long they understand a bit better.... but really, the only opinion that I care about is my family's opinion.
Pathfinder I
True that .Nah. There are still a bunch of good videos that give you good ideas.
Pathfinder I
Thanks for that, I never looked at it that way. I never tried to impress anyone though, just feel "less than", and left out.You just need to shift your perspective a bit.
All these folks dropping serious coin on fancy toys is going to mean a great supply of lightly used gear available for pennies on the dollar once the fashionistas move on to their next fad. And they will.
It just happens that right now this is the cool thing. It is rare that anything in my life coincides with cool, so I have no doubt this will pass.
Don't bother trying to play "Keep up with the Joneses". There is no point in spending money you don't have to buy things you don't need to impress people you don't even know. The natural world you want to enjoy has not changed just because everyone else ran out and bought a RTT and put 35s on their rig. It is the same world it was ten years ago. Continue to enjoy it your way.
Pathfinder I
If it's any consolation, having mom raise them is most important and they will appreciate that a lot someday.You could be right. Its the reason my wife won't get on social media anymore. She's tired of seeing everyone post their extravagant vacations spending 5+K a trip etc. It makes her feel bad she quit working to raise our kids. I tell her not to worry its how we wanted it.
So yes a lot of people probably have a jealousy factor to it all but it still true that a lot of the overland NICHE is a high priced market because the demand is probably so small and many are willing to pay. Stop buying and prices will probably drop.
Enthusiast III
Yes and no.
It's like anything worth doing.
The most visible way of doing it is expensive and elitist because that's what makes money. And a lot of us buy into that (literally and figuratively) and then we advertise for those companies.
But, you can always find people just going because they want to.
And you can find elitist responses in the opposite direction. "Built not bought" is one such example of an elitist response to monetary elitism. Not everyone has the time or the skillset to build, just like not everyone has the money to buy. Neither is "better" than the other and neither is better than just making do with what's affordable in both time and money.
I don't show off all of my builds because some of them are just hacked together out of materials at hand and with the skills I do have. They're ugly and they don't always show my best work. So I don't share them.
Perhaps we need an "ugly builds" or "hacked together" or similar thread...
Enthusiast III
Nice!I like it a budget builds thread. Maybe a badge or award for the best build under a certain budget would be fun to see what people come up with and do. Michael did a video with a guy who had put together an overloading rig out of an old toyota pick up, home made and thrift store finds. He had made a set of drawers and fold out table out of an old book case or entertainments center, got a ram mount from a thrift store, it was a build that showed great ingenuity on a small budget.
Trail Blazer III
I started overloading my VW Bug when I was a starving student. I now have my Jeep and am slowly getting some better equipment, but I never let a lack of the fancy stuff deter me from going out exploring. Yes it can get crazy expensive as can anything, and there are definitely people who could be labelled posers and only like to show off their equipment, but the point is being able to get out, go on adventures safely.Thanks for the replies, you all are awesome. One reason I joined Overland bound was for community. I DO get out there as much as I can sorry if I didn't mention that. Me n my '99 Buick do what we can. Honestly, I don't go out with other overlanders yet because I'd be embarrassed with my car. And I am NOT camping in bear country in a ground tent LOL
Enthusiast III
My only issue is if you get into most "overlanding" social media groups you cant get genuine help. You try to ask one simple question ot get some feedback on what has/hasnt worked and everyone turns into keyboard commandos and not picks or trashes on everyone else.It seems like I'm seeing more and more people talking about this.
Are people more defensive these days about what they have and/or don't have? Has social media made it look like everyone ELSE has it so much better than us?
I'm quite comfortable when I get out and go camping... like the saying goes, "Any idiot can be UNcomfortable"
As long as you are happy with what you have who really cares what some person may or may not think?
I've been car camping for quite a number of years and have slowly built up what I have and use... to the point where some may think I've spent too much. Then when they see where I go and for how long they understand a bit better.... but really, the only opinion that I care about is my family's opinion.
Traveler III
Enthusiast III