Enthusiast III
Still a tech so I only listen to HF with an SDRPlay, but yea I turned it on around 10 last night here in Oklahoma and it was completely silent
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Sent from my iPhone using OB Talk
Enthusiast III
Member III
You do have some 10m privileges.Still a tech so I only listen to HF with an SDRPlay, but yea I turned it on around 10 last night here in Oklahoma and it was completely silent
Enthusiast III
Member III
Enthusiast III
Member III
I've heard that there are many many nets on 28.400. I'm going to start listening to it more often and see if I can stumble into one eventually. I have very few 10m contacts for my 8 years on the air.Yea, 28.3-28.5 but 10m is dead almost always right now
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Advocate III
Enthusiast III
God I know the feeling, I have had my General since last November and still have not gotten on air... Mostly due to not much in the way of gear and due to not hearing much traffic on any repeaters in my areaKG5TLZ. I got my general license and I have yet to ever talk on a Ham radio.
Advocate III
its been a few years for me as well, but It's great comms for adventuring, and runnung mobile DX is a fun challenge. I once worked Greece from a mag mount antenna stuck to a pie tin with wire ground radials. I Still have yet to work the ISS so there's a challenge that still stands for me as well.God I know the feeling, I have had my General since last November and still have not gotten on air... Mostly due to not much in the way of gear and due to not hearing much traffic on any repeaters in my area
Enthusiast III
KN4LET checking in: I'm just north of you, Try Here :)God I know the feeling, I have had my General since last November and still have not gotten on air... Mostly due to not much in the way of gear and due to not hearing much traffic on any repeaters in my area
Off-Road Ranger I
Call sign KB1PMWI was going through the CB-HAM thread and it was mentioned we should have a call sign check in thread. So here it is. :)
I am N1CKO
Enthusiast III
I will have to try, but with just HT I am not sure if I can hit that repeaterKN4LET checking in: I'm just north of you, Try Here :)
Shelbyville Wide Area Repeater Net
Thursday at 9:00pm
KB4PTJ Repeater: 444.050+ (Tx PL Tone 91.5)
All Licensed Operators are encouraged to check in. Repeater is linked throughout Kentucky, Tennessee, and Virginia.
Contributor III
Off-Road Ranger I