GoTreads Successful in Snow and Sand

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Tacoma, WA, USA
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I helped recover a 2wd midsize truck stuck in deep sand on the Washington coast using my pair of GoTreads. Other folks had shoveled and pushed with no success. GoTreads got him up and moving on the 2nd attempt. So, they certainly work.

Prior to this, I recovered our mailman who skidded off the road in snow and ice. He flung the GoTreads twice before I asked he just feather the gas. Boom, up and out.

For a fold up space saving solution (I got them when I had a Subaru Outback), they’ve worked both times I’ve tried them, in snow and sand. Not saying they’re better than traction boards - probably not - but I don’t foresee switching them out of my Ford Ranger. Just passing along 1st hand experience.
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