Need a bit of help, hoping someone can assist...I have a Goal Zero 400 running my ARB 50 qt, Im wanting to daisy chain another battery to the GZ for a bit more capacity. I have seen my GZ shut down the outlets overnight even though Im sitting at 70-80% plus. From a bit of homework, it seems this is a known issue blamed on the cigarette adapter not reaching all the way into the socket. That was dealt with by offering a plug but my I am using an 8mm plug to 12 volt then to my ARB. I am wondering if wiring the ARB directly to this additional battery would have any benefit at all. It seems as though the GZ and the ARB fight sometimes due to built-in safety measures in each system. If I wire directly to the additional battery will this eliminate the safety measure in the GZ and only rely on the frig? Does this make any sense at all? I just wrap my head around why the frig is shutting off, something it tripping it but I cant figure out what it is.