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I’ve always been bad at tracking maintenance for my vehicles. Also never had a really clear picture of fuel efficiency on a regular basis. But when I got my 4Runner 3 years ago I was determined to change my ways. The method I set on eventually is the Fuelly Mileage Tracking mobile app for iOS.


Fuelly has an online community with a forum and data where you can compare your vehicle’s fuel efficiency to others. Honestly, I haven’t really explored the website at all. But I do use the app to track MPGs and maintenance.

Why Track Fuel Efficiency
So every time I fill up the tank on the 4Runner I log the odometer, volume, price and location. It takes less than a minute, and I always have my iPhone so it’s not really a burden. Sure it takes time and there have been instances where someone honked at me to GTF out of the gas lane, but that doesn’t bother me much.

My reasoning for doing this is to know if/when something goes wrong and mileage tanks. And to validate any maintenance I may do. For example, I started using LucasOil fuel additive and recorded a quantitative improvement in mileage, while qualitatively noticing performance improvements. So there you go.

I also have a good sense for how far I can go on one tank of fuel and how my mileage changes when overlanding on dirt roads in 4×4 at lower speeds. For example, on our Death Valley trip, I got 19 MPG going down there on pavement, and then 13 MPG on the trail. So I can fairly confidently calculate how far I can get without having to fill up in an overlanding situation.

Maintenance and Reminders
So you need to change your oil on regular intervals, but many other things need to be done regularly for best safety, performance, and longevity. I track any maintenance I do on the 4Runner. Additionally for certain things like oil and filters, tire rotation, timing belt change, brake inspections, tires, and suspension components (lower ball joints…) I also use the reminders.

In Fuelly, the reminders will alert you when you hit the mileage for certain services. This is really good because certain things, like timing belts, brakes and lower ball joints, you just don’t want to fail.

So that's what I use. What are other options?



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This is something I've been trying to figure out as well. Currently I'm giving the myCARMAX app a go. It give notifications/reminders for service as well as registration based on mileage or time. It doesn't track gas mileage though.

AUTOsist is another app I've taken a quick peak at. It tracks the gas mileage and let's you add service records as well. Haven't taken a deep dive into that app though. Might have to give Fuelly a try.
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The other Sean

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I've used Fuelly for a few years now. It does help to set Mileage reminders for oil changes and to log when a repair is done. It's nice to be able to track tire rotations or remember the mileage you threw a set of pads and rotors on your rig.
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Fuelly recently acquired Acar, an app the parallels their software. But aCar is a stand-alone app that syncs with their servers. Have been a user for years and the recent integration is awesome. Super handy for storing vehicle part numbers, estimated fuel range, cost of ownership, etc.

Sent from my LG-M320G using OB Talk mobile app
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Following up on this. AUTOsist is a horrible app; super slow and unresponsive UI, bad design, feels very dated and don't think there has been an update since I installed it (pro & con, but no updates means no improvements IMO).

I started using Fuelly on the last road trip and I really like it. The service section is a little lean from what I recall (only and oil change so far) but hopefully it'll be updated more frequently than that other app.


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Perth, WA, Australia
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I'm using Fuelly as well to follow fuel consumption, really efficient and user friendly. But I did not think about using it for maintenant though, might give that a try!


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Using Fuelly as well. Used to keep a paper log in my old rigs and got bad about keeping records. Have been using Fuelly since I got the new truck and happy with it. Easy to use, keeps the right amount of information for me (helps with budget planning for fuel for the year, keeps on top of mpg in case something strange is going on, can record service things, etc.)

Recommend it!
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