This is an overlanding forum not an extreme rock crawling forum. Most people here don't need lockers. Everything I own gets a winch and lockers, regardless.
I need both on the trails I typically ride. But a winch is a far more useful tool to the average over lander.
You put lockers in you push farther, then you wish you had a winch.
Extreme Rock Crawling? Hardly, never mentioned it and never meant it.
The reason I say lockers over a winch is because your average overlanding rig is very heavy with gear and in many cases a "higher" balanced weight. And then even more difficult in my opinion, is pulling a trailer that is heavy and dead weight. The worst thing you can do to your rig is create wheel hop because you have to jump on the gas to get through or over an obstacle. Logs, mud or just a steep loose grade. With lockers you can control your rig so much more, putting less stress on you AND your rig and in most cases you can just idle your way through the terrain.
You can go on youtube and watch videos all day long of open axle rigs and locked axle rigs riding in the same group. "Overlanders" as well as just the weekend enthusiasts. You tell me which vehicles are safer and then which are the ones getting their gear thrown about and brains scrambled on what should be a simple passage.
Being locked is just a safer more controlled ride, especially if you enjoy the roads less traveled and hate getting out to winch