Greetings! We had another great net tonight. Really enjoy catching up with everybody and especially welcome our first-time check-ins. Firsts for tonight are an Australia check-in (VK2DY) and first net participation while walking a dog. As mentioned in the announcements, we are looking for net topic suggestions. Feel free to comment in this thread or ping our coordinator, KJ7BHN Brent.
Thank you to everyone who joined or listened in. Looking forward to meeting up with everyone again next week.
73 – Ed, N7PHY
Date: April 12, 2019
Net Control: Ed – N7PHY
Topic: Open
Emergency Traffic: None
Announcements: From KJ7BHN our net coordinator - Welcome everybody and thank you for your support. Open topic tonight. Asking for ideas for future topics. Going to throw out the topic of NVIS (near vertical incidence skywave) antennas, how it works, and any experience with it.
KT4OZ – Terry – Mobile over repeater. Getting ready for an OB meetup tomorrow. Playing with aprs setup today. Check Jons writeup on forum. Have another ham in truck tonight talking lithium and solar setups. Check Virginia ARES website for writeups on NVIS setups. Good topics and information. Congrats to Jon with new position in the group. Getting up early in the morning for trip, may try to get on hf later tonight but expecting thunderstorms. 73 everybody.
KJ7EXK – Dana – Mobile. Not quite spring here yet but ready for spring. Still working for a few more weeks then heading south to Utah. No news otherwise - good evening everybody.
W8ILL – Will – Good evening and good net. Been busy, had to get groceries. Cold wind tonight.
KJ7BHN – Brent – Olympia WA. Just want to throw out there - if anyone is interested in AirSpy SDR, I have it hooked up to IC7300 and it's impressive. Can hear things that I can't hear on IC7300. Waiting for better weather and heading to flagstaff in a month. Just wanted to add, we'll be playing with HF after the net. Doing some research on NVIS. Have new topics written down.
KM4GHN – Mitch – VA Repeater check-in. Casual these days with off-roading and radio. Just like to say thanks - ham radio license good to have out hiking etc. good for trail comms and emergency’s and when cells don't work.
VE1PS – Peter – Halifax NS Canada. Halifax NS Canada. Logging in for the first time. Following threads and found Friday net on forum. Hope to check in more often and meet up with OB members. Not much overlanding but does get out tenting, etc. Ham for 20 yrs this month. Liking to m merge the two. Had to transit cell app while walking the dog. (maybe our first dog walk check-in)
NB9D – Neil – Paris ME. Internet problems - internet fixed 2nd round. Amateur radio the only thing working reliably off grid. Hoping to get a hotspot up there at some point. Shout out to Will W8ILL for providing home for the OB net. Thanks for bearing with us with satellite problems. Every day is a field day out here. (off grid)
WD6TED – Ted – San Diego CA. Been a few weeks - track field coach at H.S. with 200 athletes. Not been doing any overlanding but would like to. Spring in desert is beautiful. Spring break so able to join tonight. Setup portable hf in yard. Did just order rear bumper for 4 runner with swing arm. 5 month lead time.
K7XPO – Brien - Tucson Az - heading to Mexico next week. Middle of senora pop 2000. Preparing for first fox hunt 5/11. Call out WS5SKy Jon is now an OB member representative. In a couple of weeks, 5/4, 7th area call sign qso party. Point to gather county’s or external 7 contacts. Call out topic idea - overlanding in Mexico. Interesting thing and Brien has information.
KI7RAM – Bill – Reno NV. reno - heading to overland expo in a couple weeks. Saw a topic on OB website - wonder why folks don't rent equipment. Maybe should be a thread for people to offer equip for rental. Glad spring is here - able to sit in hot springs hot tub.
K5TIN – Shane – LA. Good evening. Anybody wishing to give a hand with net control give us a shout. Talking about airspy sdr, we’ve been trying to hook up on hf but not yet successful. Will try again later tonight.
WX5SKY – Jon – OK. Just picked up rig parts. Getting engine back together in jeep. 3 weeks to annual ham radio camping trip. 7th area qso party matches with camping trip, on purpose to make contacts. Ready to get back on HF.
KF4YLM – Josh – VA Repeater check-in. (member of repeater owner group) Scratchy copy through repeater at first. 4/17-18 look for short form contest. Will be mobile on next round. Topic of NVIS - 40 and 80m best. Horizontal and low to the ground probably best (10 - 15' up). 160m also nice for NVIS but suffers just as much during the middle of the day. Low antennas is key.
VK2DY – Robert – (first Australia net check-in) Lunch time in Sidney. Located … ridge near Sidney. Ham for 29 years and done off-road things at diff times. See Australia on OB site have done some outback off-roading. Would carry a sat phone deep in the outback.
KD7UBJ – Greg – Seattle WA. First time checking into net. Had to run before we got to Greg, my apologies. Hope you check in again! (Ed)
KS4KLM – Kevin – VA Repeater check-in. Enjoying net. ATV enthusiast. Will try to check in each week. 73 3everyone.
KN4PDL – Patrick – VA Repeater check-in. Unfortunately, too scratchy to copy. Hope Patrick can check in again.