I'm an Information Security Engineer, and have run a few forums and I'm not sure I agree, exactly. It's not that shorter name requirements aren't less secure. It's just that the threat surface at 2 letters vs. 3 letters is nearly identical. Security is always a trade-off game. The most secure system is one nobody can use. ;) So I tend to weigh the cost of security measures against the reward. In the case of requiring 3+ letters vs. 2+ the cost is probably pretty low (not many of us out there with true 2-letter first names, as opposed to abbreviations/initials) but the reward is extremely low. A low/extremely low measure is one I won't often take. Name requirements pose little issue to most bots since their originators have learned to use longer names. Anyway, it's not a big deal, it's just that my name is currently correct (the 3+ letter first name requirement must be newer than my account) so I can't appropriately update my location without losing my correct name in my profile. Sure, I can put in something like TJreallythisismynameipromise but that sort of defeats the point of having a name field in our profiles in the first place...