Forrest road/easy trails near Sequoia NP

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Overland California

Rank V
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Influencer II

San Jose, California
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There's a lot of forrest roads out in Sequoia NP. I'd recommend using Gaia GPS (premium) with their USFS MVUM and new USFS Roads and Trails map overlays to scout things out.

I've never been out there but I'd love to learn about what you end up doing.


Rank IV
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Enthusiast III

Fresno, CA, USA
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I know this thread is a couple months old, but I’m in Fresno and have been looking for similar roads. I found one for Delilah Lookout and am planning to use it as my first outing as a shakedown drive for my truck and navigating. I created the route in Google Earth and imported it to Gaia for practice. I have yet to drive it, though.


Rank I
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Traveler I

Visalia, CA, USA
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We did Delilah about a month or so ago. Nice fun road. Couple deep ruts, but nothing undoable. Not sure what would happen if someone was coming down as you are going up as it is a 1-lane road. Does have a turnout area about 1/2 way or so.
Let me know if you find any other good trails/roads.
