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On another thred I cracked a joke EAT MEAT it will help with your memory , the answers came thick and fast , There is a trend for Vaganisim over the last decade i have nothing against any ones life choises for anything food , drink , what ever , As i said and deleted due to People s input .
I met a professor at the british museum london many years ago , a fascinating conversation took place , Ive allway loved the outdoors and survial technics, Are conversation started about native indians american and then coverd eskimos and even the plains dwellers of euroupe and asia and the amozon , She was a professor of anthropology , we were sat surrouded by artifacts from all over the world clothes weapons tools. Pots and cooking utencils Some natives Stayed in the one place some followed the animal heards , some Had to leave do failer natural disaters etc facinating two hours but one overwhelming truth backed up by Artefacts mankind ate Fruit veg and meat to survie he adapted to his surroundings from eating friut in season natural veg then agriculture hunted wild animals cured and stored were possible Salted fish , Primitive man evolved as did his knowledge , Mans surrounding dictated his food We settled and traveled taking from nature what was reqired , Man was never a vegitarian nor a true carnivoir We hunted and gatherd Then learned how to grow And are still leaning only now There are food fashions and fads
Please feel free to coment keep it civil not for me i dont get offended BNT
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I love all kinds of foods, but what I love best is the mixture of them. I am a Meat Man by trade but I like my veggies too. As a Native American (Lakota) I find it hard to eat todays Beef and processed foods while maintaining a healthy weight. Buffalo (North American Bison) has twice the protein per ounce over Beef and the cholesterol is the good kind. I really think we need to try to match our eating (well rounded meals) to our normal everyday activity, not the reverse like we've all been taught. Just a thought......
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Pathfinder I

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I love all kinds of foods, but what I love best is the mixture of them. I am a Meat Man by trade but I like my veggies too. As a Native American (Lakota) I find it hard to eat todays Beef and processed foods while maintaining a healthy weight. Buffalo (North American Bison) has twice the protein per ounce over Beef and the cholesterol is the good kind. I really think we need to try to match our eating (well rounded meals) to our normal everyday activity, not the reverse like we've all been taught. Just a thought......
Many thanks for your imput I try to eat organic meat and veg as much a possble souce it off local produces every thing i hunt , fish , i eat or is given to people who eat it, its not eating meat that worries me its how its raised and is slauterd , and i alway had an interest in the native indians of north america and the way of life BnT


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I can tell you this, since I am in the business, I have been in many many beef harvest facilities and they are some of the cleanest food places you will ever see. I also see the the propaganda that PETA and Factory Farming puts out but the simple truth is, there fake news. Ste up a tour of a facility yourself you will see what I mean. Since Temple Grandin came along and improved the animal welfare at the facilities they are truly amazing. I like to fill my freezers during hunting season and I harvest my personal meat with the same care the beef plants. I started in the business in '89 and I have not eaten chicken since '93.


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Pathfinder I

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We have a lot in common i can never get my head round people that down cry are life stlye and promote vaganisiam as the world saving culture. its not and never will be. All comments and arguments welcome

Raul B

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I can tell you this, since I am in the business, I have been in many many beef harvest facilities and they are some of the cleanest food places you will ever see. I also see the the propaganda that PETA and Factory Farming puts out but the simple truth is, there fake news. Ste up a tour of a facility yourself you will see what I mean. Since Temple Grandin came along and improved the animal welfare at the facilities they are truly amazing. I like to fill my freezers during hunting season and I harvest my personal meat with the same care the beef plants. I started in the business in '89 and I have not eaten chicken since '93.
why havnt you ate chicken since 93?
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Kent R

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Pathfinder I

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Free Range or Cage Raised, they all end up at the same harvesting facility, nasty.
Not over here heli i get mine from local farms. See them roaming And foraging see them killed. I know all people dont have the Benifit of that but Its up to the individual to souce the best and have a concience
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Not over here heli i get mine from local farms. See them roaming And foraging see them killed. I know all people dont have the Benifit of that but Its up to the individual to souce the best and have a concience
I wish that were the case here, I would eat chicken again!! when my grandmother would ring the necks of a couple of chickens for dinner, man that was the best....