Fly Fishing

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Rank II
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MIssoula, MT
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Seems like overlanding and fly fishing, especially "adventure" fly fishing off the beaten path, go perfectly together. After all, you have a rig set up for camping in remote places, capable of reaching spots the average person can't go.
I went to college in Missoula, MT and missed many classes fly fishing with friends. At that time, I had a toyota camry and never really ventured too far from civilization. Might have to pick it up again.


Rank V
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Pathfinder I

El Dorado Hills, CA
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Another great day on the water flinging flies. This time at the south shore of Lake Camanche. Lots of crappies and a few descent bass.

Next weekend I fish a kayak tournament against all conventional guys at Lake Berryessa. I'm the only fly guy.

OB 2646


Rank V
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Reno, Nevada
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Another great day on the water flinging flies. This time at the south shore of Lake Camanche. Lots of crappies and a few descent bass.

Next weekend I fish a kayak tournament against all conventional guys at Lake Berryessa. I'm the only fly guy.

OB 2646
Nice! I can't wait till things thaw out a little bit up here so I can get the kayak out and do some fishing. What's the entry fee on a tournament like that? I would like to try to fish some more tournaments in the future.


Rank VI
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End of the Oregon Trail
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La Follette
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On Saturdays I try to schedule free clinics or at least a local tyer in the shop to do free demonstrations for my group of regulars. There are always homemade cookies on Saturday, so there is usually a pretty good crowd. Yesterday I was able to combine these two Saturday features for our Instagram feed and thought I'd share. The tyer is Shawn West. Happy Easter!


Arizona Overland

Rank IV
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Cottonwood, Arizona
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Orvis has that free introduction program going on right now. My wife and I took the fly fishing 101 course two weeks ago and are taking the 102 course this Sunday. They are both free, Orvis supplies the equipment. Contact your closest Orvis store to get more information.

This looks like it will be fun!
I picked up a fly rod combo from Cabelas a few years ago and watched videos and tried my best to get started with this skill set. Life kinda got in the way and I wasn't able to follow through, but now that Im getting involved in this new alternative lifestyle I am jazzed to find out there is an Orvis in Phoenix that holds FF 101 classes about every Sat. I will be going soon. THX for mentioning this.
Looking forward to some catch and eat.
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Rank VI
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End of the Oregon Trail
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La Follette
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We're still up to our eyeballs in water around here, but Trout guys are fishing the edges and doing ok. I attended an entomology session with Rick Hafele yesterday in Maupin. Rick is working with the Deschutes River Alliance to study the effects of the mixing tower install at the Pelton-Round Butte dam complex. I used the inspiration from Rick's chat to explore a small tributary and photograph some of the Mayflies and Caddis that will soon take to wing....Now to tye some flies for the hatch.



Coach Reese

Rank IV
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Cottage Grove, OR, USA
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Flyfishing somewhere in the great northwet almost always kicks off my overland destination planning. I am blessed to live within an hour's journey from the world famous North Umpqua and live 5 minutes from the Mckenzie and middle fork Willamette so my options are many. As you can gather by my profile pic, " the little man in the boat" (hehe) is me, and I drag that driftboat with me all over the place in search of steelhead, rainbow, brookies, and browns. I have been focusing on spey and switch rod casting for winter steelhead for the past couple of months. I have a plan to hit the owyhee river gorge early this summer in the excursion. Anywhere there are fish looking up, I am usually looking for an opportunity to travel there. Look forward to seeing anyone of you out there on the trail.
A little late to the party, but I actually grew up on the McKenzie. I could see the river from my house. Not a fisherman, but I love driving around that area.


Rank VI
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End of the Oregon Trail
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La Follette
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Tossing this out there if any of you Overlanding fly flingers would care to join us...

My staff and I are hosted a few of our friends up on the Puget Sound for a little Sea-run Cutthroat fishing on July 22nd-23rd-24th. We'll be camping at Manchester State Park and fishing the area around the park. I'm hoping to have a few local experts/guides on hand to offer pointers, and we're putting together information packets for attendees with maps to productive beaches. We're not expecting a big crowd, but we did have 40 folks show up for our Deschutes Spring Trout picnic so you never know. We'll be doing a Stone Soup Potluck and Taco Bar for lunch on Sunday for sure and will probably do a community dinner on Saturday night depending on how many people plan on camping... Details and updates are available on our shop site. Would love to hook up with some of you fly fishers on here. I might be towing the Whaler up, but this is mostly beach fishing...

Also, this being an odd number year Puget Sound is expecting their bigger Pink Salmon run. Although forecasted to be down, there are still several million fish expected to return. While funky looking in fresh water, these pint size Salmon are a hoot on a 6 wt rod and chrome bright in the salt. This fishery should ramp up in August, so I have an excuse to go back up! I try to do at least one or two trips up there in the odd years and it's a blast. My first adventure was a"reel" eye opener when I boated over 50 fish in an evening/morning session before putting the boat on the trailer. I brought a few fresh bucks home to smoke, but probably will not be doing that again. I'll stick with hatchery fall Chinook....

Tackle is simple for this, a full intermediate sinking line in 6 or 7 wt. ( I like the Rio Outbound or Aqualux ) and a pink fly. Not a Pink fly, a pink fly. Anything pink works. I'll keep ya posted as we get closer, or maybe someone in the area can chime in here.

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Rank II

Enthusiast II

So, in one week, I've been on the river 3 days, 3 separate days.. Twice on the So. Platte, and once on the north fork of the So. Platte. That's where this beauty came from on Monday. It was on private water called the Rowdy Trout Ranch. First day on the So. Platte, we had about a foot of snow on the ground, but I got to fish wherever I wanted. It was awesome. Yesterday, I fished on the So. Platte again. This time it was in the mid-80's in Denver.

@ClearwaterScott .... Let me know when you are out. Invitation still holds for all those that get to Colorado and want to fish!



Rank III
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Enthusiast III

Columbia, Missouri
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@Chaoswest - That is a really nice looking fish. I have never had that good of luck on the North branch. I guess need your guiding services. Your reminder/invite could not have come at a better time, this is my busiest time of year. It's good to be reminded there is life -- especially fishing, after this week!

Looking towards June fro landing date in CO! Cant come soon enough.
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