Family Trips

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Traveler I

We have an 80 series Landcrusier and have been going on overland trips for over a year now. We love it. We have 2 daughters ages 9 and 4 who travel with us. Any suggestions on how to keep them entertained? The usual coloring books aren't cutting it anymore.


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Auburn, California, United States
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Hi PRM, welcome to the site!

I have used singing, road games (eye spy) and, I hate to admit it, but I have resorted to a dvd and headphones :wink:


Robert OB 33/48

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As I dont have children, I maybe should shut up, but, hey, on the other hand, maybe an open eye can see something different.

As we drive sometimes with people who has children, we have the same "problem".
I really dont know how it is in their cars, but, what we trying to do, is them having looking out for the stops we do.
Doing something what kids like. Something they really can look out for.
Something like this?


We like it too

And after that, just somthing to eat

At the end we ate something more at our very special place. A BBQ restaurant which I visist since my seventeenth year. They have really great meat meals.

The kids really enjoyed the day, and so, they always like to come along.

Maybe this helps. If not, well just enjoy the pictures.

Greetings from Robert


Rank 0

Traveler I

Thanks Michael! We have the DVD's in my every day family car and use it for long drives to Santa Barbara mostly. We have managed to keep the DVD out of the cruisers.... so far!


Rank 0

Traveler I

Robert! That zip-line is very very cool! What a great idea!!! and food is always a good idea.


Rank V
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SW Ontario, Canada
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Food, semi-frequent breaks (like every couple of hours) to stretch legs and burn some energy, some simple travel games like spotting letters on signs, different license plates or different coloured vehicles work for us.  Mostly things that are a distraction from endless lines on the highway before we get to the destination.

We try to avoid screens as much as possible, but they do serve as an excellent diversions when all else fails!

Our 3 boys are typically very good travelers, so we can't complain too much.


Rank IV

Advocate II

So far our kids are great little travellers, they sleep, sing, look out the windows, point out 'Big Trucks' (expo rigs) and 'Fast Cars' (usually anything red)...

My son has only lost his cookies once, and to be fair it was after a stretch of  5 or 6 gravel switchbacks in the Subaru..


Rank 0

Traveler I

@administrator When my husband came home with a 80 series Cruiser without has much as mentioning it to me I was pissed. For awhile I refused to even sit in it. Then a friend of ours (and fellow cruiser owner) convinced me to go on one off roading trip. Thats all it took. One trip. Our cruiser and our off reading trips have been some of the best times our family has had. Our kids have traveled with us to some great places and we have seen some gorgeous landscapes. We have even been able to incorporate some homeschool lessons in a few of our trips.  Our cruiser and off-roading have brought adventure to our family. I find myself going back and looking at picture from our trips and counting the days until the next one.  (Fingers crossed for #250!)


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Contributor III

My son goes to Beavers (Junior Scouts) so when we go I check the activity badges that they can do at home. I then incorporate one badge into the trip. During Easter we went to West Wittering together for a couple of sleeps. He did his "Explore Badge" during this trip by exploring the beach and recording what he found. However, I also add a couple of bits which he has to do on the way there and on the way back, in order to complete the badge. Seems to keep him happy and motivated so far. On family trips we sometimes have to resort to letting him play a few games on my wife's iPhone but that's mostly for our sanity rather than his. :blush: