External GPS Antennae Question

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Traveler I

Hey folks, new member here. Until about two months ago, I used a Gamin Nuvi 500T as my main, in vehicle GPS. I liked that it came loaded with the topo maps, and when used in conjunction with paper maps and even sometimes my phone, it worked pretty darn well for being old and fairly out of date. The reason I'm not using it now is that it was stolen out of my truck one night along with a bunch of other gear, including my bike Garmin. Since then, I've been using my iPhone 7 plus as my GPS. For the bike it's been working ok. I use RideWithGPS and its' been good a tracking my rides. If I preload a route into it, it also does pretty good at giving me an overview of where I am. I also have GAIA loaded in the phone and if I know I'm going to be exploring around in the woods, I'll download a map of the area. My problem is that using both RideWithGPS and GAIA, the actual map is slow to load if I don't have cell service. It has no problem finding my location quickly, but it can take an excruciating amount of time to get the map loaded and the resolution decent enough to where I'm not a dot in a patch of blurry green. Does using a external GPS antennae allow the phone to load the map images any faster or would I be better off with a dedicated unit? Thanks.


Rank 0

Traveler I

I suspect that you trying load online maps, and when you have no internet (WiFi or Cell) it wont connect to the relevant server to pull down the maps tile. A GPS antenna will not help in this situation. For Gaia follow the instructions in this link - https://help.gaiagps.com/hc/en-us/articles/115003525127-Download-Maps-for-Offline-Use. You can pre cache the maps for the area you are heading and then won't need to worry about internet connection.
