No playing with fire!!!!!! Come on dad!!! Haha
Thanks for The ideas!
That is mom's call. He is smart enough to know better...but I just follow the fire play lol
I also got my son a note book.
The kindergarten kind with lines for making proper letters and a picture drawing section at top
I have him draw what he sees or what we did and write a story or description.
Helps him with his spelling and I get an interesting insight to what makes him happy...or unfortunately sometimes sad.
We do orienteering and at night check the sky for navigation lessons. And those handy binoculars keep him scanning for stuff I can not see.
We usually have a bow and arrow and the BB gun for when we get off somewhere to target shoot.
In the winter we always have a sled in the truck.
Starting to get him involved in cooking. One thing I wish my mother wouldn't have shielded me from was how to cook. I have learned some from my wife...i just want my son to know it is a talent not a job.