Pathfinder III
SOME TRIP SCHEDULING UPDATE ... Suggestions welcome
a few quick announcements regarding the planned trips as we had a couple of changes.
Aug 24 - 27 - CANCELED - Coyote Flats Funnel Lake - @mr._shafer_sir (Ron)
- Unfortunately it turns out that Coyote Flats is closed due to heave trail damage from the snow/run off. So Ron made the call to CANCEL this trip.
Sept/Oct - Bend / Alvarod desert - @Jane and Sergio
- Sergio is steping in for Steve to organize this trip. Current thinking is that it will be either the last week of Sept or 1st week of Oct and approx 5-8 days exploring the area. Hope to discuss the details at our Aug Meetup
Having said that this leaves the opportunity to organize an extra trip / get away for some time Mid / late August.
- Currently I am thinking Usal / Lost Coast (get out of the heat) or going up to Blackrock.
- any other ideas / suggestions ? Please let me know
Our Aug Meetup is on the 13th. and we'll use it do discuss / do some planning for Q3/Q4
That is it for the moment. Let me know what questions you have.
**Next EastBay Meetups**
East Bay Monthly Meet Up – Pleasanton Ridge regional park CA – AUGUST MEET up moved to Aug 20- OLD THREAD
LOOK FOR THE NEW THREAD NEW Rally Point is here: https://www.overlandbound.com/event/new-east-bay-monthly-meet-up-pleasanton-ridge-regional-park-ca ------ Every 2nwww.overlandbound.com
- Aug 13 - mid year plan review
- Sep 10
**Upcoming trips**
- Aug 10 - 12 - Camp nation - Frank Powell - CampNation Expo
- Sep / Oct - Bent to Alvarod - @Jane and Sergio) -
- Oct 27-29 - Mojave TrailGuardian - @Kent (Kent) - Tentative Mojave National Preserve Trail Guardian