US West East Bay Monthly Meet Up - at Pleasanton Ridge Regional Park - Sunol CA

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Rank VI

Pathfinder III

Danville, CA, USA
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Hi East Bay OB crew,

quick reminder that we will have our Meetup Tomorrow Sunday (Feb 16th) at 5pm at TopShopAuto in Walnut Creek
(1285 Parkside Dr, Walnut Creek, CA 94596)

Frank, will host a session on “Cold Winter Night Lights” so right at dusk - then we'll check out the lights & hot coco spill free

Looking forward to see many of you.

### Schedule
#### **Next EastBay Meetups**
every **2nd Sunday** in each month - 1pm
- Feb 8th - Saturday 5pm at TopShopAuto (moved due to superbowl)

**2025** schedule
- February 8 (SAT 5pm at topshop), March 9 (tbc)
- April 13, May 11, June 8
- July 13, August 10, September 14
- October 12, November 9, December 14

#### **Upcoming trips**

- Feb
- snow trip on MET - Liz ?

- Mar
- Expo Socal mar 15 and 16
- Trailer Trip Anza, Joshua, Mojave - Mar 29 - Derek => now Mar 17 ?
- 10 days, exact itinerary depending on where there are wildflowers.

- Apr
- Anza - Armin ?
- Usal - April 25-27 Derek/Harrison
- BDR type trip - need to decide on the route
- Lassen Mendocino?? Jesse
- BDR section 2 - Armin
- Owyhee Oregon - Roger spring / summer
- Trailer Trip North Rim - Late Apr - Derek
- 10 days, northern rim of Grand Canyon, then either up to Arches or south
- May
- OB group camp-out - May 2025 - Kent
- EXPO West - Flagstaff - May 16-18, 2025
- Moab, WhiteRim - 2025 May 27 - Liz
- Jun
- Bodi Area - dates tbd - @MichaelExplorer (Mike)

- Jul
- Colorado - 2025 Jul 13 - 27 - Jesse Jason
- Aug
- Moab?
- Blackrock - Mike C
- Bald mountain - Jesse
- Sept
- Alaska - TJ

- Oct
- Mojave TrailGuardian - Mar tbd - @kent(Kent)
- Nov
- Dec
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Rank VI

Pathfinder III

Danville, CA, USA
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East Bay Crew - fyi Derek posted the rally point for the mid March desert trip - Trailer trek - Southeast California

See you at 5pm at TopShop


Rank V

Influencer II

In my mind I am always at a remote high-elevation lake surrounded by snowcapped peaks.
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Hello Friends - I have published the spring "trailer types" event at:

Of course, all of you are welcome if you can join us for all or part of the trip. I've already got 10 non-OB trailer folks lined up, so I'm limiting the event signups to 5 OB Friends for now, but let me know if you can't get in and I'll adjust accordingly.

These trailer types are mostly harmless and varied in their interests in terms of sightseeing and camp activities. Some are full-timers who are joining us from afar, some are relative newbies who want help overlanding away from formal campgrounds. We'll try to have campfires wherever they're allowed so folks can swap stories and make further plans.

Almost all of the campsites are two nights to allow for adventuring on the stayover day. Opportunities for varied activities and sights abound at each of these locations, and you'll likely find at least one or two other attendees who want to join up on whatever you might have in mind.

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Rank V

Influencer II

In my mind I am always at a remote high-elevation lake surrounded by snowcapped peaks.
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Here's the working itinerary - it's been fairly stable for a few weeks now, but still subject to change - probably won't decide until day of which of the campsites we'll actually use, but you can always reach me on 408-480-9583 or, for this trip, GMRS 15/19. You're welcome to join in as your travels permit:

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Rank VI

Pathfinder III

Danville, CA, USA
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Hi East Bay OB crew,

it's time again - we will have our Meetup Tomorrow Sunday (Mar 9thth) 1pm in the usual spot at the Pleasanton Ridge Park.

Roger will pitch in and lead the meetup tomorrow. He is looking forward to see many of you.



Rank IV

Off-Road Ranger I

Bay Area, California, USA
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Dear East Bay OB crew,

As some of you already have heard, Esther and I are moving back to the Netherlands. We were able to say goodbye to the people who attended the meet at Top Shop Auto, but unfortunately not everybody we know. We have really enjoyed being part of the crew for the last couple of years, and wanted to thank you for sharing your wisdom and stories at the meetings, the great conversations, and the awesome trips. Many thanks to @TrailHawkGuy and @PapaDave for leading the meetings! We'll miss you all greatly, and will miss overlanding the Western US.

Since we sold our beloved 4Runner without many of the goodies, we do have some US specific or hard-to-move stuff that we'd like to find a new owner for:
  • RedArc 2000W Pure Sine Wave inverter
  • 2x 12V 100Ah BattleBorn LiFePo4 batteries
  • YAESU FTM-400XDR HAM radio /w external antenna
  • Dometic CFX3 75 Dual Zone Fridge
Please ping me if you're interested (BTW, we're leaving in 3 weeks), I'm sure we can work something out.

We wish all of you happy travels, and may our paths cross again in the future!

Roger 2486

Rank V

Explorer I

Concord CA
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Dear East Bay OB crew,

As some of you already have heard, Esther and I are moving back to the Netherlands. We were able to say goodbye to the people who attended the meet at Top Shop Auto, but unfortunately not everybody we know. We have really enjoyed being part of the crew for the last couple of years, and wanted to thank you for sharing your wisdom and stories at the meetings, the great conversations, and the awesome trips. Many thanks to @TrailHawkGuy and @PapaDave for leading the meetings! We'll miss you all greatly, and will miss overlanding the Western US.

Since we sold our beloved 4Runner without many of the goodies, we do have some US specific or hard-to-move stuff that we'd like to find a new owner for:
  • RedArc 2000W Pure Sine Wave inverter
  • 2x 12V 100Ah BattleBorn LiFePo4 batteries
  • YAESU FTM-400XDR HAM radio /w external antenna
  • Dometic CFX3 75 Dual Zone Fridge
Please ping me if you're interested (BTW, we're leaving in 3 weeks), I'm sure we can work something out.

We wish all of you happy travels, and may our paths cross again in the future!
I remain most saddened by this news but wish you both continued health, happiness and safe travels home. I would love to cross paths again before you leave if possible. Wishing you both nothing but the best now and in the future.