Dunn's Track, Southern Goldfields Region Western Australia

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Rank V
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Member III

Rockingham, Western Australia, Australia
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Hi all,

A couple of photos from a trip that I lead for my 4WD Club along the Dunn's Track which is located in Southern Goldfields Region of Western Australia over our Easter long weekend.

This track was first created about 120 years ago and is very remote and rarely used (due to it's remoteness) which makes it a great track to explore, it is approximately 230 km in length and in good dry conditions takes a good six hours to complete.

It starts just outside of the small town of Ravensthorpe which is about 400 km from Perth.

Unfortunately (or fortunately) it started to rain heavily the night before and this continued throughout the day which made it very slow going and took us about 9 hours all up.

Due to the rain, I didn't take as many photos as I wanted to :disappointed:

The following day, the weather was much better; however, due to the heavy rain the previous day and more expected the following days many roads were closed to traffic including the roads we wanted to take home and as a result were had to do a 750 km diversion to get home :astonished:

Anyway, I hope you like the photos.


Airing down at the start of the Dunn's Track.

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Stop for mornos (morning tea).

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2023-04-08 4WD - 003-Edit.jpg

Stopped on the Dundas Heritage Trail (following day)

2023-04-09 4WD - 004-Edit.jpg

Old gold mine.

2023-04-09 General - 001-Edit.jpg

2023-04-09 General - 002-Edit.jpg


Rank IV

Trail Mechanic III

Thanks for posting- looks like a great trip. The dust will have been minor owing to the rain, and the track looks in good condition (in terms of the surface).

We didn;t take DUnn's Track although we did take the Balladonia Road in 2019 and found ourselves the only vehicle on the track, which was enjoyable. Clearly we need to try Dunn's next time : )


Rank V
Launch Member

Member III

Rockingham, Western Australia, Australia
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Thanks for posting- looks like a great trip. The dust will have been minor owing to the rain, and the track looks in good condition (in terms of the surface).

We didn;t take DUnn's Track although we did take the Balladonia Road in 2019 and found ourselves the only vehicle on the track, which was enjoyable. Clearly we need to try Dunn's next time : )
I hope to do the Balladonia Track later in the year.

The benefit of the rain was that it kept the dust down but in some spots it was very slippery which made for some interesting fun.

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