Not that I disagree about policy permits and education, but if your first sentence contains the phrase "mostly on private property in Texas" then how would policy or permits apply in those instances which you describe as "mostly"?I've seen enough of these sorts of videos, mostly on private property in Texas, and I find it embarrassing as a person who likes trucks, guns, and the outdoors. You can't keep every half-brain from driving recklessly, shooting recklessly, or talking recklessly but policies, permits, and education can sure help. There is a fine balance between creating policies affecting the responsible from irresponsible. Unfortunately the irresponsible don't understand they're the problem.
They wouldn't.
Had a tin roof that came out under my bedroom window when I was a kid. It covered the back kitchen and 3 season porch in a nice, ski-jump sort of angle The kind of roof that was joined with sort of upside down U channels, so it made tracks like slides. Yes, yes I did get out the window and slide down the roof to fly off into the snow.
Stupid? Maybe, but nothing any park ranger had jurisdiction over.