Dogs out on the road?

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Kirkwood, MO, USA
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How many of y'all take your dogs out with you on the road? And what are some things you do that help them out over long travel?

Been taking my pup out for a lot single day drives with a few days camping and he does really well. Planning a longer trip out west and thinking about bringing him along for this one.

Sorry if someone posted before I couldn't find any threads after searching.
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Rank III

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Redwood City, CA, USA
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I live alone with my dog Venus so I bring her everywhere with me except work, since I got her. I started saying "hold on" before any jerky high G force maneuvers.I drive with the windows open so "hold on left turn" or hold on right turn" help keep her from flying out the window as she knows what each means. Sometimes she sits straight up in the passenger seat and others she stands on the seat and surfs. I have never let her jump down from the truck so it does not occur to her to jump, I lift her up and down.


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Stuart Fl
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Shortly after getting my pup I've been on the road with him. He's traveled around 8k miles sense I got him in April. I stop every three hours or so and go on a good walk, give him some water and keep going. I think I was just lucky, Kai just seems to be a natural road dog, he doesn't complain or try to get in the front seats.

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Rank III
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Kirkwood, MO, USA
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Great looking PUPs and thanks for the info!!

Hamilton has only been out for a few thousand. like I said before not many super long stretches. I think he will have a good time though!

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Rank III

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Renton, WA
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My dog barfed the first few times out when she was a pup but now it doesn't bother her. We stop for plenty of potty breaks and she just rolls with it.

She's off leash 99% of the time but I carry a 10' tie and a leash just in case.

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Rank V
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Durango, CO
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On the road a safe place in the vehicle is important. You don't need him/her on your lap or flying through the air in an accident or sudden stop. A travel crate or confined space is important. Mine will even seek out this space like his kennel at home as he knows it's "his".

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Rank V
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Penticton, BC
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We took the dogs on our 2 week 6000km trip to Colorado and back in the old Xterra last summer. They also come pretty much everywhere with us. Took them on out two week summer holiday to the Oregon Coast in the new Tundra this year, and they will be on board for our trip to up the Dempster Hwy next summer. I've flipped up the back seats in the Tundra, and made a wooden platform with foam pads so the dogs can enjoy the trip.


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Rank V
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Penticton, BC
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On the road a safe place in the vehicle is important. You don't need him/her on your lap or flying through the air in an accident or sudden stop. A travel crate or confined space is important. Mine will even seek out this space like his kennel at home as he knows it's "his".

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In 110% agreement. I find that the dogs enjoy themselves better and are more comfortable and less nervous in a smaller confined space, than if they are allowed full reign of space in an suv. We generally provided enough space for them to lay down comfortably in the Xterra, and in the Tundra the rear section of the double cab is just the right amount of space for them.
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Rank VI
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Musselshell, Idaho
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One mutt has traveled with me since she was a pup all over the Western half of the US, but we added a big ole fat yellow lab, so I layer my soft goods over strapped down cases and throw an old army bag over it so they both can stretch out in back. They know when the road gets bumpy to just lay down, and they also know we stop for swimming holes and play time, so as soon as I start packing the roof rack , they claim their spot, waiting to hit the trail.


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We just travelled from Michigan to Arizona with our dog, Maggie. She did great. We take her out on the trails all the time and she seems to like it.

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Dana Ramos

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Clark Dog goes practically everywhere w/me. He's been all over the West since I got him 5 years ago. He's been mountain biking, backcountry skiing, backpacking, rafting, and even SU paddle boarding. Mostly, I only travel places in the spring and fall so temps are pretty dog friendly then. I've kept the entire cargo area open just for him. There's AC vents back there so even if it does get warm out, he's cool. I know that doesn't work for a lot of people but we have a trailer so all of our camp gear goes back there. The trailer has awnings on both sides and a fan on the inside so he's good to go at camp too. Going to places like the National Parks, which usually aren't so dog friendly, we usually go for hikes early and get back before it gets hot out or plan on leaving him at a kennel for the day. And, it's rare for us to spend longer then a couple of nights in a park just b/c of that. Most of our camp spots and destinations are based on the fact that we have a dog and are usually at places like NFS/BLM and with moderate weather. We also plan a lot of our stops around swimming holes so it's fun for him too. Basically, I love that dog more than most people so I can't imagine leaving him behind.

Here's a pic of him checking out the Temple of the Sun in Capitol Reef back in the spring. He was pretty stoked!



Rank IV

Advocate II

yuma, az
My girl goes everywhere with me. Dogs think of you as the pack leader and want to be along. I keep a gallon tea jug with fresh water for her and offer it at least once an hour. Hanging the head out the window dries her out. Oh yea, she's also a chick magnet !


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Panama City Beach, FL, USA
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LuLu has not been on the trail yet. She rescued us a year ago when she wandered on to our property. It took 8 months sittitng outside daily to gain her trust. She is afraid of cars only been in them to go to the vet. She has been inside now for 4 months. Were lucky she choose us.
